Human activities
Shawnyce Banks , and Mecco Johnson
Mod 1
Identify an describe how the natural change processes may be affected by human activities.Standard 6.0 Environmental Science
Key Words
Agriculture-the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
Beach Preservation -is the protection and control of the beach by the conduct and regulation of work and activities likely to affect the physical condition of the beach or shore, and includes, but is not limited to, erosion control, hurricane protection, coastal flood control, shoreline and offshore rehabilitation.
Mining-the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals from a mine.
Development/Construction-the process of developing or being developed.
Stream/River Alteration-to obstruct, diminish, destroy, alter, modify, relocate or change the natural existing shape of the channel.
1. What was two vocabulary words ?
2. What was the two pictures of ?
3. What standard did we use ?
exit ticket Answers
1. Agriculture ,Beach Presentation,Mining, Development /Construction, Stream/River Alteration.
2. Picture 1. Agriculture , Picture 2 . Stream/River Alteration
3. Standard 6.0 Environmental Science.
Human activities
By 8th Grade Science
Human activities
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