Maria Claudia Solarte vasquez
Teams of at least 4 members from 4 different countries
1. Draw
The concept of "conflict"
Refrain from using words
2. Draw
The concept of "peace"
Refrain from using words (or icons)
An understanding of exclusion and division
Conflict is a reality whereas peace is an ideal construct
More effective than trying to build and idealized state of peace is to learn how to cope with the reality of conflict
Positive relations associated with peace?
Cooperation, freedom from fear, freedom from want, economic growth and development, absence of exploitation, equality, justice, freedom of action, pluralism and dynamism
Definition by Galtung
PEACE: "...negative peace is conflict transformation, so that violence stops, full stop. Positive peace is cooperation for mutual and equal benefit, and the word equal is very important: when in harmony, I feel what you feel and you feel what I feel, because we are somehow coupled together. Obviously this is very different from negative peace which is essentially the absence of violence."
Peace=no violence+creativity
Peace=no violence+creativity
Violence: Avoidable impairment of human needs or rights.
Every violence is different just as every peace should be. A proper diagnose is crucial to a successful resolution
Tool: Communication
Technique: dialog
History of Conflict studies
Continuum Chart by MariaClaudia SolarteVasquez (2015)
By mtalyc
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