

access to HTML/CSS ++

  • complete Control
  • real HTML
  • Web Components
  • styling with Classes
  • fast/easy adaptations

Tooling 0

  • no tooling in Ionic
  • good tooling from yeoman
    • easy customizable

Testing ++

  • easy unit testing with Karma
    • continuos testing
  • ready to use end to end testing with Protractor
  • really accessible testing
  • simple setup

components +

performance ++

  • looks very smooth
  • angular has awesome speed
  • both look very stable
    • although ionic is in alpha
  • 17mb memory usage

learning curve -

  • very hight curve
  • getting started is not easy
  • code style is different
  • code in html looks weird
    • (in the beginning)
  • good tutorials

community ++

development activity/transparency ++

delivered / demo apps +


  • complete control over html
  • easy unit testing
  • extensibility is very good (directives,  services, etc.)
  • big angular community
  • performance


  • high learning curve of angular
  • syntax differs much to other 'common' js
  • no tooling with ionic
  • no support for lower android versions ( < 4.1)

Comparison Table

OpenUI5   TMP2    Ionic
device/browser support ++ + +
access html/css -- - ++
tooling -- ++ 0
testing -- 0 ++
components 0 + +
performance + -- ++
learning curve -- + -
community -- 0 ++
development activity/transparency    -- + ++
delivered/demoapps - 0 +

Sample APP

approval - the benchmark

By mtm

approval - the benchmark

  • 470