Welcome to Day 3!
Give me 👍 if you watched CS50 Lec 0
Give me 👍 if you watched The Power of Vulnerability
- CS50 lecture 0 review
- Recap Pseudocode
- Algorithms Exercise
- Problem solving techniques
- Practice solving difficult problems
CS50 Lec 0
👍 if you liked it
Define Computer Science
Computer Science is the process of solving problems
Define problem
When we consider a problem to be solved, we have to all agree [...] how we're going to represent these inputs and outputs
Define representations of inputs and outputs
I/O Representations
- binary
- Chars (ASCII)
- Text
- Decimal
- List
- Object
How to represent algorithms?
Pseudocode Examples
Start with two pieces of bread.
while the first piece of bread is not covered with peanut butter on one side
Spread peanut butter on one side of the first piece of bread
while the second piece of bread is not covered with jelly on one side
Spread jelly on one side of the second piece of bread
Place the jelly side of the second piece of bread against the peanut butter side of the first piece of bread.
Place sandwich on plate, and cut in half.
MakePBJRoutine(input: peanut butter, jelly, bottom bread, top bread)
Begin routine:
Take bottom bread.
Spread peanut butter on bottom bread.
Spread jelly on bottom bread.
If want more jelly:
Spread jelly on bottom bread.
Place top bread slice on bottom bread
Return finished sandwich
End routine
makePBJroutine(input: P, J, TB, BB; Out: PBJ) {
BB <- P;
BB <- J;
If(BB.J < PreferredJellyAmountConstant){
BB <- J;
PBJ <- (BB <- TB);
Return PBJ;
Is Pseudocode the only way to represent algorithms?
UML (Flowchart)
Birthday problem algorithms
Find the students whose birthday is today
Aug 31
Nov 17
Nov 28
Feb 12
June 23
March 17
Nov 19
24 march
January 2
Aug 6
June 15
7th of June
15 January
Jan 2
24th of September!!
March 23
Oct 29
June 12
December 30
16th of November
22 of May
6th of february
Jan. the 10th
9th of October
July 17
go down the list of birthdays
check if it is today
memorize the student name
continue down the list
first, sort the birthdays
use a search algorithm to find the date more quickly
Divide the birthdays by month
Search within each month
Ahmed Jamal's solution
Write the algorithm above with Pseudo Code in 30 minutes
Share your Pseudocode
go down the list of birthdays
check if it is today
memorize the student name
continue down the list
first, sort the birthdays
use a search algorithm to find the date more quickly
Divide the birthdays by month
Search within each month
Divide the year into 365 days solution
(Ahmed Jamal's solution on Slack #-05-random)
How did you solve this problem?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
1. Understand and Analyse the Problem
List of months + days
List of integers representing the order at which the month + day combination appears
2. Go through the sample inputs and examples thoroughly
Pattern Recognition & Abstraction
List of months + days
List of integers representing the order at which the month + day combination appears
- Aug 31
- March 17
- 24 march
- 7th of June
- 17 MAR
- If today was Aug 31?
- 1st
- If today was Mar 17
- 2nd
- 5th
3. Break down the problem
List of
months + days
List of integers representing the order at which the month + day combination appears
- Aug 31
- March 17
- 24 march
- 7th of June
- 17 MAR
- If today was Aug 31?
- 1st
- If today was Mar 17
- 2nd
- 5th
List of
months + days
List of integers
- Aug 31
- March 17
- 24 march
- 7th of June
- 17 MAR
- 77
- 84
- 159
- 77
List of
months + days
List of integers
- 77
- 84
- 159
- 77
- If today was Aug 31?
- 1st
- If today was Mar 17
- 2nd
- 5th
4. Write Pseudocode
Algorithm Design
5. Start coding
Another exercise
This one is more difficult
Design a solution to help large dev teams collaborate on code
1. Understand and Analyse the Problem
Code files
Code files
2. Go through the sample inputs and examples thoroughly
Pattern Recognition & Abstraction
- Index.html
- Index.css
- Index.js
- Changed index.html
- Index.html
- Changed index.html & index.css
- Index.html
- Index.css
Code files
Code files
What if 2 devs change the same file?
3. Break down the problem
4. Start solving/coding
Algorithm Design
Problem Solving
By Mujtaba Al-Tameemi
Problem Solving
Day 2 lecture of the Iraq bootcamp. This lecture dives into how to solve technical problems, ranging from algorithmic problems to frontend web development problems
- 410