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The Problems
The Problems
We don't know which fields each consumer needs from an endpoint
Developer experience is not great
API is not very easy to use
Documentation is lacking
No good dev playground
Pagination is slow for large customers
Difficult to deprecate fields from endpoints/entire endpoints
Requires updating entire API's version
Impossible to know which fields are actively being used
The Opportunities
The Opportunities
Clients can compose requests as suitable for them
Reduce # of API requests for fetching related data
Clients fetch only what they need and no more
GraphQL is declarative and strongly typed
Documentation + deprecation are first-class citizens
Can even auto-generate deprecation documentation
Design API to match behaviors/use cases, not data
Public & private API can be merged into one, which makes us develop with API first mentality
New features would get public API for free
GraphQL has awesome tooling!
GraphQL FTW!
By Mujtaba Al-Tameemi
Made with
GraphQL FTW!
Why we should use GraphQL for public API and not REST
Mujtaba Al-Tameemi
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Mujtaba Al-Tameemi