DeepaMehta 4 Plugin 

First Development Meeting

TU Berlin, May 2013

(Updated January 2017)

Malte Reißig

Architecture Overview

The DeepaMehta 4 Software Platform is OSGi based
and implements a Microservice Architecture.

Technically DM 4 is made of Java, Neo4j, Lucene, Apache Felix (OSGi), Jetty, Jersey, Thymeleaf (optional), Neo4j Spatial (optional), Websockets (optional), Karaf (optional)

The DeepaMehta 4 Webclient brings it's own
GUI Framework enabling developers to extend it.

External Graphic: Architectural Overview

Simple Horizontal Plugin

(Client-Side Only / JavaScript)

DeepaMehta 4 MathJax Renderer

With this 'Simple Renderer' implementation you can enrich your DeepaMehta content with high-quality rendered mathematical formulas (and possibly more).

  • It's just a "dm4.webclient.simple_renderer_uri"
  • Written in JS, based on 

Read on .. 
Source Code

    Simple Vertical Plugin

    (Client-Side + Server-Side) 

    DeepaMehta 4 Tags

    A module for users who interactively want to extend a "Type" of their choice about the possibilty to add many "Tags".

    This plugin started as just a (declarative) migration introducing custom types so that other plugins can rely on their existence and start building on them. 

    Tags 1.1 comes now with its own plugin-service providing simple standard queries around "Tags" to other developers.

    Read on .. Source Code

    Advanced Vertical Plugin

    (Client-Side + Server-Side)

    Twitter Research Plugin 

    Supporting public research
    recent topics tweeted.

    • Plugin-Service wrapping GET
    • Many 'Simple Renderer' (Search Input Field, Hidden Fields)
    • One 'Multi Renderer' (Rendering an interactive resultset)

    Read on .. Source Code

    Simple Plugin-Composition

    (One Client-Side + Many Custom Server-Side)

    Notes Web-Application (eduZEN Prototyp)

    Taking, tagging and voting HTML based notes in a timeline fashion and in collaboration.

    Find the Plugin Overview (German)

    Development Roadmap (English)

    Live-Demo (Access Restricted)

    Get started (German)

    Simple 3rd-Party Add-on

    (Third-Party Client / Custom Interface)

    DeepaMehta Firefox Toolbar

    This Firefox Add-On let users extract individual structured items from web pages as they browse, and store and annotate them in a shared repository for access by others.

    Read on .. 
    German Info Page, English Info Page

      Some Recent Plugin Ideas

      • Sign-up and/or Sign-on Module for DeepaMehta

      • Some News Plugin
        Create News-Type, operate on "Newsfeed URL"
        Options: Import feedlist.opml, Export Newsfeed

      • BibTex Plugin (Topic Deep Diving)
        Create Authors, Papers and Co-Authors based on .bibtex

      • Social Bookmarking Hashtag Fetcher
        Introduce Web Resources after entering a Tag to delicious

      • Send-to DeepaMehta Android-APK

      Share your idea!

      See also our "Contribute"-Page in German or English.


      Your reference for plugin development is the Plugin Development Guide written by lead-architect jri.

      About this.

      Contact me at malte{@}

      DeepaMehta Plugin Development (Updated Jan 2017)

      By Malte Reißig

      DeepaMehta Plugin Development (Updated Jan 2017)

      A short overview on plugin development within the DeepaMehta 4 Software Platform. Updated: January 2017

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