A Guide to Open Source Contribution

Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP)

Documents and images must not be stored in a database table. They must be stored in a file system and referenced in DB


MouseRegion cannot work in ios device

You Cannot fix anything you use

You don't know who makes what you use

The makes dont seem to care who you are

You Cannot fix anything you use

You don't know who makes what you use

The makes dont seem to care who you are

revenue of SaaS in to be  $100 M  

Open Source is in Software as a service (SaaS)

Open Source is in platform as a service (PaaS)

Open Source is in infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

G to http://oss.cash and http://oss.capital

What is in it for you ?

Opportunity to code.


Opportunity to interact with devs around the globe 

Opportunity to grow along with the community 

Boost up your personal profile

Get you own ideas incorporated in tools


By Muthu Kumar


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