KU Leuven from home
The three major ways to access e-sources with KU Leuven access from home:
- The Lean Library access extensions
- Manually using the EZProxy
- Remote access through VPN with OpenVPN or SSH
Less access
Lean Library Extension
Browser extension that automatically detects pages of digital sources with KU Leuven subscriptions and reloads URL through temporary, single-use VPN connection
Advantages: Very easy; automatic
- Not all browsers / platforms (e.g. android);
- Only KUL resources, no internal departmental webpages
- Can (seldomly) cause problems when accessing e-source pages
Manually using EZ proxy
Find it here
Webpage where you can paste a link to a website you want to visit as if on a KU Leuven computer (also with bookmarklet)
Advantages: easy; on all platforms
- Manual intervention
- Only KUL resources, no internal departmental webpages
VPN / SSH Remote Access
Virtually connect to the local network available in Celestijnenlaan 200A through software or SSH tunnel
- Exactly as if you were plugged in at your office.
- Access both e-sources and internal departmental webpages
- Even the network attached storage devices at CW or printers
- Manual intervention necessary
- More difficult one-time setup
Host tunnel
Hostname ssh.cs.kuleuven.be
User mattv
Compression yes
ForwardAgent yes
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/krr
AddKeysToAgent yes
DynamicForward 8080
LocalForward 139 samba.cs.kuleuven.be:139
Example Configuration for SSH
Only an example: Change User, IdentityFile, Hostname, ...
DynamicForward 8080 allows to set up your computer network settings with a SOCKS proxy on localhost 8080
LocalForward 139 allows setup of departmental printers etc.
Format of SSH Config file: /home/user/.ssh/config on linux
Final thoughts
Printing is also possible from:
Ground floor printers (ckprint) - Login with Central Login
Printers on other floors (csprint) - Login with departmental account
By Matthias van der Hallen
- 806