NW.js testing
by Nadav Sinai,
March 2015
Nadav Sinai
- Fullstack JS developer
- PHP Background
- Angular.js since 2013
- done some big projects
A lot of testing...
- The difference between "it should work" and "It works for sure!"
- Safety from 3rd party-changes
- Allows to maintain a project over time
- Allows for big projects where nobody knows the internals of the whole system
- Provides a good focused problem solving orientated method of developing - eg TDD

Unit vs. E2E
Unit tests
- Check your own code in ISOLATION, use mocks for dependencies.
- Check modules as black boxes (API - not implementation)
- The basis of stable code base - makes location regression bugs easy.

End-to-end (E2E,Integration)
- checks the whole system in runtime - with all parts wired up - both internal and 3rd party based
- can be used to check different environments (eg browsers etc)
Testing jargon
- Different environments have different names for the same things!
- Can be easily simplified
NW.JS testing
- A well-known environment - much easier to test than the browser
- Uses NPM and it's massive community
- Uses require()- use mocks easily eg.
- has patched ChromeDriver for selenium E2E tests
- community is not very testing orientated
NW.JS Unit tests
- Keep tests in REAL environment - nw.js
- Use Karma runner for easiest integration
- Can use any framework - jasmine,mocha+chai etc.
- Load tests only - use nw.js require() to get inspected target.
- Works well in node context when writing modular code
- Probelmatic approach when testing code in webkit-context & nw.gui based helpers such as menu, tray etc.
Demo using NodeWebkit-testing
Simple Karma Setup
- add Karma, karma-jasmine
- add
karma init config
files - tests only (require from tests what you need)
browsers: ['NodeWebkitWithCustomPath'],
customLaunchers: {
'NodeWebkitWithCustomPath': {
base: 'NodeWebkit',
// Remember to include 'node_modules' if you have some modules there
paths: ['js', 'node_modules']
Complex Karma Setup
- Use of preprocessors in karma eg. browserify,webpack
- load the whole application - caveat of angular
- probably needs some automation eg gulp,grunt
- when asserting and mocking becomes tedious use helpers such as angular-debaser, sinon, chai plugins etc.
E2E Tests
- Normally based on WebDriverJS, Selenium Server (Java) and customized NW.js ChromeDriver
- Protractor directConnect (AKA chromeOnly) saves us from using real Selenium Server.
Selenium Server
Node running
Tests using WebDriverJS Code
Browser running w/
special extension such as chromeDriver
E2E Tests
- Protractor directConnect (AKA chromeOnly) spares us from using real Selenium Server.
Node running
Protractor tests w/ WebDriverJS code
ChromeDriver Accepting Selenium API and automating Browser
Protractor Setup
- Protractor directConnect (AKA chromeOnly) spares us from using real Selenium Server.
- npm i -D protractor
- get nw chromeDriver
- protractor config
- tests and browsers
- ChromeDriver and NW.js executable path
E2E Tests
Actions are mainly done using WebdriverJS API mainly the following globals:
- element ($,$$)
- By
- browser
- protractor
Using testing general constructs :
- preparation (beforeEach etc)
- actions
- expections
- cleanup
Writing E2E Tests
- Tests are async by nature, almost everything returns a promise, even Expect() has been monkey-patched
- You should not make tests that are dependent on one another
- Its best to abstract the selectors and actions of each section, so it can be easily reused and maintained (page objects - PO)
- E2E testing is not 100% stable in most targets (user interaction, Sync problems etc)
Thanks for listening!
NW.js testing
By Nadav SInai
NW.js testing
A little demo about testing in NW.js environment
- 3,325