Managing Customers & Employees

Petar Atanasovski
ManageWP / GoDaddy

[ Belgrade - April 3, 2017 ]

"Why won't the TV answer me? Everything talks, Daddy, toaster talks, fridge talks, garage talks, why won't TV talk?"

"No, honey, just a few years ago nothing but people talked."

"Old TV is stupid. Old toasters are stupid, too. Everything old is stupid."

"I'm sort of old. Am I stupid?"

"No, Daddy. You can talk. You listen to me. You're not stupid. Only things that don't listen are stupid."

Are You Listening
What I Have to Say?

"The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.”

Derek Sivers, CD Baby

- “I help people.”
- “That’s really cool, are
   you a doctor?”
- “Of course not…”

Does it Matter?

It takes 12 positive experiences to make up for one unresolved
negative experience.


Source: “Understanding Customers” by Ruby Newell-Legner

News of bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise for a good service experience.


Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs​

For every customer who bothers to complain, 26 other customers remain silent.


Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs​

70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.


Source: McKinsey


91% of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again.

Source: Lee Resources


41% of consumers expect an
e-mail response within six hours.


Only  36% of retailers
responded that quickly.


Source: Forrester Research Inc., 2008

80% of companies say they deliver "superior" customer service.


8% of people think these same companies deliver "superior" customer service.


Source: Lee Resources




How To Start?

Team Culture & Structure

What to measure

You can't manage what you don't measure.

Peter Drucker

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

Customer Happiness Metrics

Average Response Time

First Answer Resolution

Answered in 15 minutes

Average Replies to Resolve

Resolution Time

Support Rating

First Response Time

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Tickets per Day

90% of the time, Nimble Storage is informing our customers about issues rather than the other way around. We eliminated 50% of our call volume immediately after implementing this predictive and prescriptive approach and last year that call volume remained flat while we grew 30% new customers.

Rod Bagg

Vice President of Analytics and Customer Support for Nimble Storage

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Success Role + New Metrics

Early Leave Rate

Per Feature Success Rate

Feature Usage Rate

Free Users Usage Rate

Churn Rate

Upsell Rate

Onboarding Success

Trial Conversion

Tickets per Customer

Customer Lifetime Value

Log, Analyze, Improve

Customer's Perspective

What makes my customer successful

Apple Customer Service Method

Apple Customer Service Method

FEEL:  Empathize with how the customer feels in that moment, and let them know that you understand.

Apple Customer Service Method

FEEL:  Empathize with how the customer feels in that moment, and let them know that you understand.

FELT:  Explain that you, too, once felt that way in the past.

Apple Customer Service Method

FEEL:  Empathize with how the customer feels in that moment, and let them know that you understand.

FELT:  Explain that you, too, once felt that way in the past.

FOUND:  Tell the customer how you found that your concern was actually incorrect.

“I can see why you’d feel that way. When I first started using it, I too felt that the app was a little complicated. But once I realized that I could just do X, I actually found it to be a lot simpler.”

Disney the HEARD Technique for Customer Service Recovery

Disney the HEARD Technique
Customer Service Recovery

HEAR : let the customer tell their entire story without interruption. Sometimes, we just want someone to listen.

Disney the HEARD Technique
Customer Service Recovery

HEAR : let the customer tell their entire story without interruption. Sometimes, we just want someone to listen.

EMPATHIZE : Convey that you deeply understand how the customer feels. Use phrases like “I’d be frustrated, too.”

Disney the HEARD Technique
Customer Service Recovery

HEAR : let the customer tell their entire story without interruption. Sometimes, we just want someone to listen.

EMPATHIZE : Convey that you deeply understand how the customer feels. Use phrases like “I’d be frustrated, too.”

APOLOGIZE : As long as it’s sincere, you can’t apologize enough. Even if you didn’t do whatever made them upset, you can still genuinely be apologetic for the way your customer feels (e.g., I’m always sorry that a customer feels upset).

Disney the HEARD Technique
Customer Service Recovery

APOLOGIZE : As long as it’s sincere, you can’t apologize enough. Even if you didn’t do whatever made them upset, you can still genuinely be apologetic for the way your customer feels (e.g., I’m always sorry that a customer feels upset).

RESOLVE : Resolve the issue quickly, or make sure that your employees are empowered to do so. Don’t be afraid to ask the customer: “what can I do to make this right?”

Disney the HEARD Technique
Customer Service Recovery

APOLOGIZE : As long as it’s sincere, you can’t apologize enough. Even if you didn’t do whatever made them upset, you can still genuinely be apologetic for the way your customer feels (e.g., I’m always sorry that a customer feels upset).

RESOLVE : Resolve the issue quickly, or make sure that your employees are empowered to do so. Don’t be afraid to ask the customer: “what can I do to make this right?”

DIAGNOSE : Get to the bottom of why the mistake occurred, without blaming anyone; focus on fixing the process so that it doesn’t happen again.

ELI5: Before sending technical instructions to a customer, read them as if you were five years old and make sure you can follow them.

  • Make it personal - Use customer's name
  • Make sure to say thanks for using your app.
  • Talk like they do - Avoid being formal.
  • Short simple sentences rule.
  • For feature requests, repeat their idea and relate to it if you can.
  • If you can, tell them about new features.
  • Close your email on a highlight .

A Brief Guide to a
Better Email





ManageWP / GoDaddy

Managing Customers & Employees

By GoDaddy Belgrade

Managing Customers & Employees

Petar Atanasovski

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