Indjija 15 people
Beograd 26 people
Novi Sad 20 people

Basic Info
The lecturer was Aleksandar Savkovic ( WordPress developer and contributor, member of training, community and polyglots team, Community Educator at GoDaddy Belgrade Office )
5 weeks / per Academy
2 days / per week
3 hours / per class
Partnership with StartIt ( a grass-root non-profit organization with the mission to provide meaningful, deep support to Serbian technology and startup scene in order to foster higher employment and economic growth )
- WordPress file and database structure
- WordPress theme file structure
- Basic WordPress theme development
- Use WordPress Codex with ease
- Developing Website by using WordPress
- Must Have plugins, correct usage and significance
- Manage your WordPress websites by using ManageWP
NPS Summary
Belgrade 88 / Novi Sad 75 / Indjija 100
- 10 - I would recommended WP Academy course and 1 - I would not recommended WP Academy course
Belgrade 4.56 the score - Novi Sad 4.5 the score
- Each class had a great content and everything was fully prepared
Belgrade 4.88 the score - Novi Sad 4.83 the score
- The content of WP Academy will help me in the future businesses
The keynotes
The better selection of the attendees ( for someone the academy is on advanced level and for the others is too basic )
We want to try to give them real projects during the classes.
Video Interviews Indjija
Video Interviews
Novi Sad
WP Online Academy
Follow up

We added value

WP Academy
By GoDaddy Belgrade
WP Academy
- 1,020