
We are so happy to have you. We'll give you some tips to build your presentation.

We have three types of presentations you can give

1. Regular talk (30 minutes)

2. Lightning talk (15 minutes)

3. Workshops (4 hours)

Pick one please:

Introduce yourself

Start with a short presentation about your career, likes, and goals.

Less is more.

We recommend using short slides with a bit of text and more images, graphics, and videos.

Be careful with colors

It's better if you use soft colors.

Check and check and check!!

Sometimes, we want to finish quickly but, spelling is really important for your performance.

Be concise! 

Comply with the schedule organizers gave you. This is important because other speakers deserve the same time.

Read the COC! 

Make sure you read our code of conduct because it is really important to know about it and comply with the letter.

You must set the example!

What do you need to apply?

1. Description of the Talk

2. Twitter or Facebook handle

3. Your Slides in offline mode, just in case

4. Your cell phone number, just in case

And that's it!

Please send us your presentation to here


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Speaker guide

By Nathaly Villamor

Speaker guide

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