Essay Writing Truths for Mr Mattson's Class


The Rule of Three

Other Truths

Ideas are more important than perfect writing

Common Sense and Clarity

Common sense and clarity are more important than fancy talk. 


Does it make sense?

Does it work?

Can most people follow along with what you are saying?

What is more important than How

Stop obssessing about how to say things. We are in the stage of learning WHAT to say in essays more than HOW to say them.

Of course you can do both, but too many young people put more effort in HOW to say things instead of putting the most effort into WHAT to say.

There is nothing wrong with saying "I" or "me" if the essay is ABOUT you.

Some essays are not about you; they are about people in general.

Don't use "you" to mean people.

Look Closely At All of the Things and Work Hard

Essay Writing Truths for Mr Mattson's Class

By Nathan Mattson

Essay Writing Truths for Mr Mattson's Class

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