Theme Statements

How To Make Them Good

A Theme Statement Is  a Sentence


  1. Guilt may drive a person insane.

  2. People judge by appearances.

  3. Mindset is really important.

These are complete sentences. But are they great theme statements?

  1. Guilt may drive a person insane.

  2. People judge by appearances.

  3. Mindset is really important.

How can we make them better?

Say More!


  1. Guilt may drive a person insane and guilt is one's own fault.

  2. People unfairly judge by appearances and it causes heartbreak and tragedy.

  3. A positive mindset is vital in rough situations, but people find it difficult.

A Good Theme Statement Is Not Advice

Advice is what good theme statements do not give

Advice Turned Into Theme Statement

People should not judge each other before they get to know them


People often unfairly judge others before they get to know them.

Advice Turned Into Theme Statement

Never give up in the face of adversity.


People usually want to give up in the face of adversity, but that guarantees failure - it is possible to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles.

Theme Statements Express Truths

Advice is Not a Truth

Theme Statements Are About Humanity / People / Life

Not the characters.

Not You and Me, but people.

Grief changes you in permanent ways.


Grief changes people in permanent ways.

Not You and Me, but people.

If you band together, you can achieve greatness. 


If people band together, they can achieve greatness.

To Recap

  • Theme statements are full sentences expressing a truth
  • Theme statements are better when they express more
  • Theme Statements are not advice; they are truths about humanity or life
  • Theme Statements are not about just you and me; they are about humanity / people

How to Test to See if You Have a Decent Theme Statement

Plug it into this:

It is true that ____________.

It is true that Love is Powerful. 

It is true that Fear of Failing

It is true that The Importance of Self-Confidence.

Do all of these work?


How to Test to See if You Have a Decent Theme Statement

Can you add more?

AAANNNNND? ________

Love is Powerful.  AAAND? 

Love is powerful and people unfortunately forget this.


Education is For Everyone.  AAAANNND?

Some people don't believe education is for everyone and this ruins lives. 




Give these Theme Statements a Grade


1. Love conquers all.

2. Don't let greed rule your life.

3. The unfairness of life.

4. All love leads to heartbreak. (Is this true?)

5. You can't trust others to do the right thing all the time.

6. Equality is essential to freedom and freedom is incredibly important.

Choose three from below to rewrite.

Isolation leads to unlikely relationships.

Sometime one's biggest enemy is themselves.

If you judge people, expect to be judged yourself. You won't like it.

The loneliness of grief.

Society doesn't control who you are.

Theme Statements

By Nathan Mattson

Theme Statements

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