What is a Quotation?

This example is incorrect:

In the following quotation, Billy Pilgrim wonders if "he will wake up at his home or not" (755).


Passages of the book are not quotations.

An Analogy

This clip is from Blade Runner. I can call it a clip because it has been removed from the full movie.


When talking about the movie itself, though, I can't say, "My favorite clip in the movie is . . ."

Notice that the person who posted this doesn't call it a clip. We can call it a clip.

A scene in a film is not a "clip" until it has been clipped.


"This movie has some really great clips." (Wrong!)


"One of the best scenes in Blade Runner is the final scene on the rooftop." (Correct!)


"In your video about Blade Runner, you embedded some pretty great clips, including a great clip from the end of the film." (Correct)

A passage in a text is not a quotation until it has been quoted.

These are not quotations.

If we take some words out of this book, it is still not a quotation.


Here, we are taking some passages from the novel.

 If I refer to them in your essay, they are quotes. 

Look at those quotes.

What she is writing is not quotes


In your work, you should not refer to passages from a text as "quotations."


They only become quotations when someone refers to your use of them in your work.


"You used some great quotations in your essay!"

So, be careful with the word "quotation."

What is a Quotation?

By Nathan Mattson

What is a Quotation?

  • 158