How do I write a Literary Analysis Essay?

The intro paragraph needs the following things:

  • Some context or lead-in
  • A Thesis
  • A preview of your supportive points

Someone should share theirs

THESIS FOR THIS ESSAY: Watership Down asserts that good leaders must be humble to be effective.

My Intro Paragraph:


Richard Adams' Watership Down tells the story of a group of rabbits who barely escape death at their original warren and must strike out in search of a new home where they can be safe and can prosper. Hazel is the leader throughout, but there are other leaders in the novel who contrast with Hazel. The novel asserts that good leaders must be humble to be effective. The novel argues this in three ways. First, good leaders work hard to understand their followers because they see them as equally important to themselves.  Secondly, bad leaders think they are above their followers and simply won't listen to them. Lastly, good leaders are humble enough to learn from other leaders and from their followers.

One of the ways Watership Down asserts that good leaders must be humble is by showing that bad leaders do not listen to others. Bad leaders think they are above their followers and do not see that their followers are important and essential. An example is when Hazel talks to  Woundwort and says, “We ought to make other warrens between us,” and Woundwort says, “I haven’t time to sit here and talk nonsense” (Adams 427-428). He is endangering his fellow rabbits by not listening to Hazel. This advice is nonsense to him because he thinks he is better than Hazel. Also, when Hazel and Fiver are talking to Threarah and they say, “we must all go away” (26). Threarah responds, ”I shall think over all you’ve said” (26-27). Threarah then sends them away and doesn’t think of it again. He is not willing to listen to the warnings of “outskirters” he sees as unimportant. Another incident with a bad leader not listening to others is in Efrafa. When leaders have been given advice from one of the other rabbits and they don’t listen to it, they make the rabbits forget that it even happened. Bigwig explains, “If a rabbit gave advice and the advice wasn’t accepted, he immediately forgot it and so did everyone else” (346). The leadership is so bad in Efrafa that the rabbits have developed a way to deal with how impossible it is to influence the leader: the forget that they had offered any advice. These three examples show how bad leaders—Threarah and Woundwort—don’t want to listen to those around them.  Not only do those bad leaders refuse to listen to advice of their followers, they also never admit that they are ever wrong or that they make mistakes.   

As you can see, I mention the thesis many times.

I also mention the supportive point many times.

What is a Literary Analysis Essay?

By Nathan Mattson

What is a Literary Analysis Essay?

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