Angular Native

aka. NativeScript + Angular

Project Setup

tns create project-name --ng

// Definitely install the core theme

cd project-name
npm i nativescript-theme-core --save

Setup Routes

1. Add components folder

2. Add components.module

3. Define routes (in same file or separate)

4. Define COMPONENTS convenience

5. Import ComponentsModule into main.ts

Setup a ListView

1. Add list.component for '/list' route

2. Add ListView and bind to items without styling and run...

3. Then add 'list-group' and 'list-group-item'

4. Then override 'list-group' for 'height:100%'

Setup a Modal

1. Add modal.component

2. Discuss entryComponents, declarations, etc. for modal setup and NgModule

Setup Firebase

1. Add GoogleService-Info.plist

2. Add google-services.json

3. Integrate nativescript-plugin-firebase

4. Add:


npm i nativescript-plugin-firebase --save

Get in the Zone.js

- Angular change detection

- 3rd party plugins: NgZone

- Observables with OnPush

Custom plugin registration

Facebook Shimmer Effect

npm i nativescript-shimmer --save

import {registerElement} from
registerElement("Shimmer", () =>

Redux via ngrx/store

npm i @ngrx/core @ngrx/store @ngrx/effects --save

Let's create an 'ADD' action for our list.

Quick Recap

* ComponentsModule: ease of managing components

* Routes

* ListView with different data binding considerations

* Modals

* Firebase integration

* Custom plugin registration

* Redux via ngrx/store + ngrx/effects integration

Theme skins



npm i nativescript-dev-sass --save

Nathan Walker


Angular2 seed advanced:

Demo Angular Native app presented:

Angular Native

By Nathan Walker

Angular Native

  • 2,126