The Gospel
What is the gospel?
Greek: literally means "good news"
What is the goOD NEWs?
The answer to this question, and most of our questions concerning the Christian faith is found in the Bible,
the Word of God. By studying the Bible, we can see how
Jesus loves us, and how He can transform our lives.
God desires to have a relationship with you!
Read 1 John 4:8-9
What does this verse tell us about God's basic nature?
Read John 10:10
What do you think Jesus meant when He said that
He came to give us an abundant life?
Read 1 Peter 1:15-16
- How is God described in these verses?
- What does it mean that God is holy?
Read Psalm 5:4-6
- How does God view sin?
- Can those who commit sin stand in the presence of God?
So far, we have seen that God is loving
but He is also holy.
How does this relate to us?
Our problem:
We are sinful and opposed to God
How does Romans 3:10-17, 23 describe us?
Our problem:
We are sinful and opposed to God
How does Isaiah 53:6 describe us
prior to placing our faith in Christ?
Our problem:
We are sinful and opposed to God
Read James 2:10
- Is there a difference between breaking one commandment and breaking every commandment?
- How would this affect people who think they are basically good?
Our problem:
We are sinful and opposed to God
Read Romans 6:23
- What is the consequence of our sin?
- Is anyone exempted from the sentence that has been handed down to us? Why or why not?
Note: In the Greek language in which the New Testament
was written, death meant separation --
Spiritual death means eternal separation from God.
Most people have the perspective that they are basically good, and somehow, God should accept us because of His great love for us.
Yet, if we compare ourselves with the perfect holiness of God, our goodness is not enough.
Sin separates us from God; it is rebellion against Him.
Sin is basically choosing self-will over God's will.
So far this doesn't sound like very good news.
Though God desires to have a relationship with us,
we are cut off from Him because of our own
sin and rebellion.
Is there any solution to our dilemma?
God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of our sin
What did God do according to Romans 5:8?
God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of our sin
What did Jesus accomplish through His death on the cross according to Hebrews 10:14 and 17?
Watch the story about the father and the train bridge
God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of our sin
- With that story in mind, read John 3:16.
- What does it say about what God has done for you?
God sent Jesus to pay the penalty of our sin
What do we need to do
to experience the salvation Jesus offers?
Another Death Sentence
In the United States in the 1840's, a man was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Days before his sentence was to be carried out, a messenger arrived with a presidential pardon signed by President Garfield.
Another Death Sentence
However, to the astonishment of prison officials, the man refused to accept the pardon.
Another Death Sentence
The Supreme Court ruled that the pardon had no effect unless it was received by the prisoner.
Another Death Sentence
It seems impossible to believe, but many today do not accept the forgiveness that Jesus offers.
- some may be too proud to accept that they need God's pardon
- some may feel that they have to do something to make themselves worthy first before accepting pardon
- some think there is another way to be pardoned, and insist on doing it their way
We all have the choice to accept or reject
the offer Jesus gives us.
Have you ever made a decision to
accept His gift of forgiveness?
One way to express our faith in Christ is through prayer.
Prayer is simply talking to God, and expressing to Him the desires of our hearts.
You can open your heart to God right now and accept His gift of salvation through a simple prayer of faith.
Lord Jesus, thank you so much for loving me. I am so sorry for my sins. Thank you for dying on the cross for all of my sins. With your help, I will turn away from all my sins.
Today, I trust in you to be my Lord and Savior and I receive you into my heart. I accept your free gift of eternal life.
Thank you that one day, I will go home to be with you in heaven. From this day on, I will follow and obey you. Amen.
If you made the choice to trust in Christ as your Savior and Lord, entering into an eternal relationship with God, read and sign the pledge below as a reminder of your commitment today:
Today, Jesus, I trusted in you to be my Lord and my Savior and I accepted your free gift of eternal life. I commit to love and obey you for the rest of my life.
SIGNED: ______________________ DATE: ________________
By nathanweisz
Session 1 of the Won by One booklet 1
- 1,136