How Brands Are Winning With Vine Videos:

10 Examples

Twitter originally introduced Vine to encourage creativity among users, but marketing teams quickly saw the value.

#1: Dunkin’ Donuts’ Super Bowl Vine

Last year, during ESPN’s Monday Night Football pregame show, Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled the first television commercial made completely on Vine. It featured a team of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee cups taking on and defeating a team of milkshakes in a makeshift football game and was a huge hit.

#2: M&C Saatchi Sydney’s “Quit”

Brevity adds impact to hard-hitting agendas like this anti-smoking campaign. M&C Saatchi created several individual Vines to succinctly convey their message: stop smoking.

The six-second Vine simply reads, “Before this video restarts, another smoker will die.” Powerful stuff.

#3: Sony’s “Inception” Vine

This Vine from Sony is a play on the popular movie Inception. The ad whisks viewers inside the frame of the phone, into the phone inside that phone and then back again. The infinite loop of this ad is the kind of mind-boggling stuff people love.  

#4: Adidas’ World Cup Soccer Ball

Adidas’ clever Vine below shows the evolution of the World Cup soccer balls (or footballs for those of us outside the United States), from the 1970 design that debuted in Mexico, right up to this year’s polychrome ball that hurtled around the stadiums in Brazil.  

#5: Disney’s “Show Your Disney Side” 

Disney initiated a Vine-based competition called Show Your Disney Side. They invited Disney fans to get creative with the Vine app and submit a video that reflects their true devotion to the brand.    

#6: Sesame Street’s “You Shall Not Pass!”

Sesame Street used this Vine to let Twitter followers know when to tune in for its Lord of the Rings spoof, “Lord of the Crumbs”—complete with the popular line from Gandalf’s encounter with the Balrog, “You shall not pass!”

#7: Airbnb’s “A Simple Journey”

Like Disney, Airbnb used a Vine marketing campaign to capitalize on consumer interaction. But rather than sift through thousands of Vines to pick daily- and grand-prize winners, they crowdsourced a whole bunch of them and created the first-ever short film made completely of Vines.  

#8: Oreo’s “All Cookies Must Dunk”

Oreo released this Vine, referencing the surprising death of a character from season 1 of Game of Thrones.

#9: Volkswagen “Around the World”

In this walk down memory lane, the Volkswagen team tells the story of a 1955 Beetle that travelled the world three times and lived to tell the tale.

#10: GE Science Lesson

General Electric asked, “How much science can you fit into 6 seconds?” and challenged people to create and submit science projects as Vines. Over 300 Vines were submitted—and they are so cool.

Vine as a Marketing Tool

Since its official introduction in 2013, Vine has grown to be one of the best marketing tools for social media. In a Twitter stream filled (mostly) with text, these six-second videos stand out, especially if they’re funny.


By Nicholas D'Angelo


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