
An architectural pattern that splits applications into sections each of which have a unique purpose.



Models determine how data is structured in a database.


Views are what the user sees and can interact with


Controllers listen for requests, interact with the models, request appropriate views and respond with those views to the client.

In web apps, we add some extra pieces.


Routers listen for user requests and send them to the appropriate controller.


The database stores data our models define. They interact with the models.

What does it all look like?

  1. The user interacts with their browser to send a request to the server
  2. The router examines the request and directs it to the appropriate controller
  3. The controller handles the request. Often this involves handing it off to a model. Suppose it's a PUT request, the controller waits for a promise to complete...
  1. The controller calls the model with the data in order to update the information
  2. The model may validate the information against a Schema to ensure correctness
  3. The model creates a request to the database to update the information
  4. The database responds to the model
  5. The model responds to the controller with any information or in the case of javascript a completed promise


  1. The controller continues its process, and assuming the request was successful to redirect the browser to the appropriate page, which will cause a new GET request (see diagram). The GET is made, and the controller receives the data from the model for the GET, it selects a view to render for the GET request.
  2. The view is rendered
  3. The page the view generates is returned to the controller, which passes it back to the browser
  4. The user see the newly rendered page

Taking the previous slides and combining them into the image before, we see

So what the heck is a schema?
A schema is a structure given to the data stored in a database. This creates consistency throughout a project and enables developers to know how data is stored.
Since objects in JavaScript can have additional properties, using a schema means that documents or rows stored in a database are regular.
No more worrying about entries without username, or some other field that ought to be there
In MongoDB, the schema is a JSON object that allows developers to give shape and meta-properties to the documents being stored.
We can define types, make particular fields mandatory, and even define object types if the field stores an object that needs to conform to a particular shape.
So what does a schema actually look like?

						const TodoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
							todo: {
								type: String,
								required: true,
							completed: {
								type: Boolean,
								required: true,
							date: {
								type: Date, 
								required: false,
								min: new Date(),
A mongoose you say?!?

Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling library which acts as a wrapper over MongoClient that makes working with mongoDB more straightforward by provide schema-based models and validation for programs to work with. It transforms data objects in code into a suitable form for storage as documents in MongoDB.

It provides the model component of the MVC in our MERN app.

What does an MVC implementation in MERN look like?

Inside the project Root

js -> main.js
css -> style.css

The MVC architecture allows developers to quickly locate pertinent sections of code, swap out different implementations of components with minimal impact on other parts of the code.

For example, suppose you want to use a relational database instead of a non-relational one. Just change the implementation of the model to use the new relational database and everything else still works.

MVC is scalable, speeds up development through coherent organization, and supports multiple methods of displaying or interacting with the app.

MVC slides

By Ned Park