Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

A Generic Optimization Problem

Suppose we have:

a finite universe of elements \(\cal U = \{e_1, e_2, \cdots, e_n\}\)

a weight function \(w: \cal U \longrightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{\geqslant 0}\),
that assigns a non-negative weight to every universe element

a family \(\cal F = \{S_1, \ldots, S_m\}\) of subsets of \(\cal U\)

...and we lift \(w\) to the sets in \(\cal F\) as follows:

\(w(S) = \sum_{e \in S} w(e).\)

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

A Generic Optimization Problem

Suppose we have:

a finite universe of elements \(\cal U = \{e_1, e_2, \cdots, e_n\}\)

a weight function \(w: \cal U \longrightarrow \mathbb{Q}^{\geqslant 0}\),
that assigns a non-negative weight to every universe element

a family \(\cal F = \{S_1, \ldots, S_m\}\) of subsets of \(\cal U\)

...and we lift \(w\) to the sets in \(\cal F\) as follows:

\(w(S) = \sum_{e \in S} w(e).\)

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

\({\cal U} := E(G)\)

edge weights

acyclic subsets of edges


A Generic Optimization Problem

Is this a set of the largest cardinality?

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

What is a trivial algorithm?

What is the cost of the trivial approach?

What is a natural greedy algorithm?

not necessarily


exp in \(n\), poly in input size

keep picking heavy elements

Does the greedy algorithm work?

not necessarily

the family is implicitly specified

\(S \subseteq_{?} {\cal U}\)


The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Sort the elements of \(U\) in descending order of weight;
i.e, \({\color{seagreen}w(e_1) \geqslant \cdots \geqslant w(e_n)}\).

Initialize a solution: specifically, let \(X = \emptyset\).

For \(i \in [n]\):
     if \({\color{indianred}X \cup \{e_i\} \in \cal F}\):
        \(X \longleftarrow X \cup \{e_i\}\).

not necessarily

Does the greedy algorithm work?

The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)


- \(\cal U = \{p,q,r\}\)
- \(w(p) = 40, w(q) = 30, w(r) = 20\)
- \(\cal F = \{\{p\},\{qr\}\}\)

not necessarily

Does the greedy algorithm work?





The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Then wt(OPT) > wt(GREEDY) because
there is a \(g_{k+1}\).

What if, for all \(1 \leqslant i \leqslant k\), \(g_i = f_i\)?



















The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

By GREEDY: \(w(f_i) \geqslant w(g_i)\).







So there exists \(1 \leqslant i \leqslant k\), \(g_i \neq f_i\).











So there also exists \(j > i\) where \(w(g_j) > w(f_j)\).



The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)







So there exists \(1 \leqslant i \leqslant k\), \(g_i \neq f_i\).











Why did the greedy algorithm not pick \(g_j\)?

So there also exists \(j > i\) where \(w(g_j) > w(f_j)\).



The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)







So there exists \(1 \leqslant i \leqslant k\), \(g_i \neq f_i\).











The element was incompatible with the choices we already made!

So there also exists \(j > i\) where \(w(g_j) > w(f_j)\).



The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)


The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)


The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)


The Greedy Algorithm

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

\(\exists e \in S \setminus T\) such that \(T \cup \{e\} \in \cal F\)



if \(|S|>|T|\),


A matroid \((\cal U, \cal F)\) consists of a finite ground set \(\cal U\)
and a collection \(\mathcal{F}\) of subsets of \(\cal U\) that satisfies:

Non-emptiness. The empty set is in \(\mathcal{F}\).
(Thus, \(\mathcal{F}\) is not itself empty.)

Heredity. If \(\mathcal{F}\) contains a subset \(S \subseteq \cal U\),

then \(\mathcal{F}\) contains every subset of \(S\).

Exchange. If \(S\) and \(T\) are two sets in \(\cal F\) where \(|S|>|T|\),

then \(T \cup\{e\} \in \mathcal{F}\) for some element \(e \in S \backslash T\).


Independent Sets. The elements of \(\mathcal{F}\) are called independent sets.

Basis. A maximal independent set is a basis.

Note: All maximal sets of a matroid \(\cal F\) have the same size.

Rank. The common size of the maximal sets is the rank of a matroid.

Dependent Sets. Subsets of \(\mathcal{U}\) not in \({\cal F}\) are called dependent sets.

Circuit. A minimal dependent set is called a circuit.

Examples of Matroids

Uniform matroid \(U_{k, n}\). 


A subset \(X \subseteq\{1,2, \ldots, n\}\) is independent if and only if \(|X| \leq k\).

Any subset of \(\{1,2, \ldots, n\}\) of size \(k\) is a basis;

any subset of size \(k+1\) is a circuit.

Examples of Matroids

Graphic/cycle matroid \(\mathcal{M}(G)\).


Let \(G=(V, E)\) be an arbitrary undirected graph.

A subset of \(E\) is independent if it defines an acyclic subgraph of \(G\).

A basis in the graphic matroid is a spanning tree of \(G\);
a circuit in this matroid is a cycle in \(G\).

Examples of Matroids

Cographic/cocycle matroid \(\mathcal{M}^*(G)\).


Let \(G=(V, E)\) be an arbitrary undirected graph.
A subset \(I \subseteq E\) is independent if the complementary subgraph \((V, E \backslash I)\) of \(G\) is connected.

A basis in this matroid is the complement of a spanning tree;

a circuit in this matroid is a cocycle:
a minimal set of edges that disconnects the graph.

A non-example

Not the Matching Matroid


Let \(G=(V, E)\) be an arbitrary undirected graph.
A subset \(I \subseteq E\) is independent if the edges are disjoint.

Representing Matroids

A Linear Matroid


Let \({\cal U}\) be a set, and assign to every \(e \in {\cal U}\) a vector \(v_e\) over some field.
The vectors for the different elements of the universe should all be over the same field \(F\) and have the same dimension. 

A set \(S \subseteq {\cal U}\) is in \(\mathcal{F}\)
if and only if
the set \(\left\{v_e: e \in S\right\}\) forms a linearly independent set of vectors.

\(({\cal U},\mathcal{F})\) is a matroid.

Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Greedy Output · WLOG \(\{f_1,\ldots,f_k\}\) form a basis.



















OPT Output · WLOG \(\{g_1,\ldots,g_\ell\}\) form a basis.

The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Greedy Output · WLOG \(\{f_1,\ldots,f_k\}\) form a basis.











OPT Output · WLOG \(\{g_1,\ldots,g_\ell\}\) form a basis.







The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Suppose, for the sake of contradiction:

\(\sum_{i=1}^k w\left(f_i\right)<\sum_{j=1}^{\ell} w\left(g_i\right).\)

















The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Let \(i\) be the smallest index such that \(w\left(f_i\right)<w\left(g_i\right)\).

















The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Let \(i\) be the smallest index such that \(w\left(f_i\right)<w\left(g_i\right)\).

















Consider the highlighted independent sets.

The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Let \(i\) be the smallest index such that \(w\left(f_i\right)<w\left(g_i\right)\).

















Consider the highlighted independent sets.

The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Let \(i\) be the smallest index such that \(w\left(f_i\right)<w\left(g_i\right)\).

















Apply the exchange property to counter the greedy choice.

The Greedy Algorithm when \({\cal U},{\cal F}\) is a matroid

\({\cal U} := \{e_1,\ldots,e_n\}, w: {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathrm{Q}^{\geqslant 0}, {\cal F} \in 2^{{\cal U}}\).

What is the maximum weight attained by a set in \(\cal F\)? 

(the family is implicitly specified)

Lemma. For any heriditary family \((\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F})\) that is not a matroid,
there is a weight function \(w\) such that
the greedy algorithm fails to output the optimal answer.

\(\exists S, T \in \mathcal{F}\) such that \(|S|>|T|\)

but for all \(e \in S \backslash T, T \cup\{e\} \notin \mathcal{F}\).

Using \(m\) to denote \(|T|\):
- Every element of \(T\) has weight \(m+2\).
- Every element of \(S \backslash T\) has weight \(m+1\).
- Every other element of the ground set has weight zero.



\(\leqslant m(m+2)\)

\(\geqslant (m+1)^2\)

Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

Scheduling with Deadlines

Suppose you have \(n\) tasks to complete in \(n\) days; each task requires your attention for a full day. 

Each task comes with a deadline,
the last day by which the job should be completed,

and a penalty that you must pay
if you do not complete each task by its assigned deadline.

What order should you perform your tasks in to minimize the total penalty you must pay?

Scheduling with Deadlines

Suppose you have \(n\) tasks to complete in \(n\) days; each task requires your attention for a full day. 

\(D[1, \ldots, n]\),
where each \(D[i]\) is an integer between \(1\) and \(n\).

and a penalty that you must pay
if you do not complete each task by its assigned deadline.

What order should you perform your tasks in to minimize the total penalty you must pay?

Scheduling with Deadlines

Suppose you have \(n\) tasks to complete in \(n\) days; each task requires your attention for a full day. 

\(D[1, \ldots, n]\),
where each \(D[i]\) is an integer between \(1\) and \(n\).

where each \(P[j]\) is a non-negative real number.

What order should you perform your tasks in to minimize the total penalty you must pay?

Scheduling with Deadlines

Suppose you have \(n\) tasks to complete in \(n\) days; each task requires your attention for a full day. 

\(D[1, \ldots, n]\),
where each \(D[i]\) is an integer between \(1\) and \(n\).

where each \(P[j]\) is a non-negative real number.

Find a permutation that minimizes:

\(\operatorname{cost}(\pi):=\sum_{i=1}^n P[i] \cdot[\pi(i)>D[i]].\)

Scheduling with Deadlines

For any schedule \(\pi\), call tasks \(i\) such that \(\pi(i)>D[i]\) late or delayed, and all other tasks on time.

Let \(S \subseteq\) \([n]\) be some subset of tasks.

Suppose we have a schedule \(\pi_1\) that delays all tasks in \(S\) and finishes all tasks that are not in \(S\) on time,

and another schedule \(\pi_2 \neq \pi_1\) that also delays all tasks in \(S\) and
finishes all tasks that are not in \(S\) on time.

What can we say about the costs of these schedules?

Scheduling with Deadlines

For any schedule \(\pi\), call tasks \(i\) such that \(\pi(i)>D[i]\) late or delayed, and all other tasks on time.

Let \(S \subseteq\) \([n]\) be some subset of tasks.

Suppose we have a schedule \(\pi_1\) that delays all tasks in \(S\) and finishes all tasks that are not in \(S\) on time,

and another schedule \(\pi_2 \neq \pi_1\) that also delays all tasks in \(S\) and
finishes all tasks that are not in \(S\) on time.

\(\operatorname{cost}\left(\pi_1\right)=\) \(\operatorname{cost}\left(\pi_2\right)\).

Scheduling with Deadlines

Call a subset \(X\) of the tasks realistic if there is a schedule \(\pi\) in which every task in \(X\) is on time.

Let \(X(t)\) denote the subset of tasks in \(X\) whose deadline is on or before \(t\):

\(X(t):=\{i \in X \mid D[i] \leqslant t\}\)

For \(X\) to be realistic, what can we say about \(X(t)\)?

Clearly, \(|X(t)| \leqslant t\).

Scheduling with Deadlines

Call a subset \(X\) of the tasks realistic if there is a schedule \(\pi\) in which every task in \(X\) is on time.

Let \(X(t)\) denote the subset of tasks in \(X\) whose deadline is on or before \(t\):

\(X(t):=\{i \in X \mid D[i] \leqslant t\}\)

Suppose \(|X(t)| \leqslant t\) for all days \(t\). What can we say about \(X\)?

\(X\) is realistic. (How?)

Scheduling with Deadlines

Call a subset \(X\) of the tasks realistic if there is a schedule \(\pi\) in which every task in \(X\) is on time.

Let \(X(t)\) denote the subset of tasks in \(X\) whose deadline is on or before \(t\):

\(X(t):=\{i \in X \mid D[i] \leqslant t\}\)

Suppose \(|X(t)| \leqslant t\) for all days \(t\). What can we say about \(X\)?

\(X\) is realistic. (How?)

Find a realistic subset \(X\) such that \(\sum_{i \in X} P[i]\) is ...

Scheduling with Deadlines

Call a subset \(X\) of the tasks realistic if there is a schedule \(\pi\) in which every task in \(X\) is on time.

Let \(X(t)\) denote the subset of tasks in \(X\) whose deadline is on or before \(t\):

\(X(t):=\{i \in X \mid D[i] \leqslant t\}\)

Suppose \(|X(t)| \leqslant t\) for all days \(t\). What can we say about \(X\)?

\(X\) is realistic. (How?)

Find a realistic subset \(X\) such that \(\sum_{i \in X} P[i]\) is maximized.

Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Lemma. The collection of realistic sets of jobs forms a matroid.

Proof. The empty set is vacuously realistic.

Any subset of a realistic set is clearly realistic. 

It suffices to show that the exchange property holds.

Let \({\color{IndianRed}X}\) and \({\color{DodgerBlue}Y}\) be realistic sets of jobs with \(|{\color{IndianRed}X}|>|{\color{DodgerBlue}Y}|\).









Scheduling with Deadlines

Exercise. Figure out an efficient implementation of
oracle access to the family of realistic sets.

Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

Bipartite Matching

Bipartite Matching




Bipartite Matching




Bipartite Matching




Greedy = 5

Bipartite Matching




OPT = 6

Bipartite Matching




OPT = 6

Bipartite Matching

Let \({\cal U} := E(G)\) and let:


\({\cal F}_{\color{IndianRed} L} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{IndianRed} L}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\);

\({\cal F}_{\color{DodgerBlue} R} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{DodgerBlue} R}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\),


where \(\delta(v)\) denotes the set of edges
incident on the vertex \(v\).

Bipartite Matching

Let \({\cal U} := E(G)\) and let:


\({\cal F}_{\color{IndianRed} L} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{IndianRed} L}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\);

\({\cal F}_{\color{DodgerBlue} R} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{DodgerBlue} R}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\),


where \(\delta(v)\) denotes the set of edges
incident on the vertex \(v\).

This subset does not belong to \({\cal F}_{{\color{IndianRed}L}}\),
but does belong to \({\cal F}_{{\color{DodgerBlue}R}}\).

Bipartite Matching

Let \({\cal U} := E(G)\) and let:


\({\cal F}_{\color{IndianRed} L} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{IndianRed} L}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\);

\({\cal F}_{\color{DodgerBlue} R} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{DodgerBlue} R}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\),


where \(\delta(v)\) denotes the set of edges
incident on the vertex \(v\).

Exercise: Show that \({\cal F}_{{\color{IndianRed}L}}\) and \({\cal F}_{{\color{DodgerBlue}R}}\) are matroids.

Bipartite Matching

Let \({\cal U} := E(G)\) and let:


\({\cal F}_{\color{IndianRed} L} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{IndianRed} L}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\);

\({\cal F}_{\color{DodgerBlue} R} := \{S \subseteq {\cal U} \mid \forall v \in {\color{DodgerBlue} R}, |S \cap \delta(v)| \leqslant 1\}\),


where \(\delta(v)\) denotes the set of edges
incident on the vertex \(v\).

What can you say about the sets that belong to both \({\cal F}_{{\color{IndianRed}L}}\) and \({\cal F}_{{\color{DodgerBlue}R}}\)?

... the set of all matchings in this graph.



- a universe \(U\),
- \(\ell\) matrices representing matroids \(\mathcal{M}_1, \mathcal{M}_2, \ldots \mathcal{M}_{\ell}\) over \(U\),
- an integer \(k\).




Determine whether there exists a set \(S \subseteq U\) of size at least \(k\) that is independent in all of the matroids \(\mathcal{M}_i, i \leqslant \ell\).

Matroid Intersection

Given two matroids \(({\cal U},{\cal F}_1),({\cal U},{\cal F}_2)\).

Task: find a maximum-size subset that is independent in both matroids.

For two set systems \(\mathcal{S}_1=\left(U, \mathcal{F}_1\right)\) and \(\mathcal{S}_2=\left(U, \mathcal{F}_2\right)\), we define their intersection as:

\(\mathcal{S}_1 \cap \mathcal{S}_2=\left(U, \mathcal{F}_1 \cap \mathcal{F}_2\right).\)

Matroid Intersection

At some point, we get stuck, and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).

A Greedy Approach

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).







\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).




\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Try adding \(v\) to \(A\). What's the issue?

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).




\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Set no longer independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).




\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Set no longer independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

If there is an edge from \(v\) to \(w\), can drop \(w\) to fix the situation.

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

But now we are back to square one in terms of size.

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

What if there is an edge from \(w\) to \(u\)?


Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Note: \(A \cup \{u\} \setminus \{w\}\) is in \({\cal F}_1 \cap {\cal F}_2\).


Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Is \(A \cup \{u,v\} \setminus \{w\}\) is in \({\cal F}_1 \cap {\cal F}_2\)?


Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

At some point, we get stuck,

and our answer is not necessarily optimal yet.

Initialize \(S := \emptyset\).

While there exists \(e \in {\cal U}\) such that

\(S \cup \{e\}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\),

then update \(S \longleftarrow S \cup \{e\}\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Swapping across a shortest S-T path \(P\) actually works:


Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

add \(P \cap B\) to \(A\) and remove \(P \cap A\) from \(A\).

Advanced Algorithms

Part 1. Matroids & Greedy Algorithms

Part 1a. Motivation & Definition

Part 1b. Demonstrating that Greedy Works

Part 1c. Scheduling with Deadlines

Part 1d. Matroid Intersection and Examples

Part 1e. The Matroid Intersection Algorithm

If we have two disjoint spanning trees \(T_1, T_2\) in a graph, then the exchange property implies that for any \(e \in T_1\), there exists some edge \(f(e) \in T_2\)
so that
\(\left(T_1 \backslash\{e\}\right) \cup f(e)\) is again a spanning tree.

...we can, in fact, choose \(f\) to be a bijection!

Think of \(f(e)\) as the replacement for \(e\).

Prelude: Exchange Graphs

Lemma. Let \({\cal M}=({\cal U}, \mathcal{F})\) be a matroid and
let \(Y, Z \in \mathcal{F}\) be disjoint independent sets of the same size.


Define a bipartite exchange graph \(H=(Y \cup Z, E)\) with
\(E=\{(y, z):(Y \backslash y) \cup\) \(z \in \mathcal{Y}\}\);

in other words, \(z\) is adjacent to \(y\) if \(z\) can act as a replacement for \(y\).

Prelude: Exchange Graphs

Then \(H\) contains a perfect matching.

For a matroid \({\cal M}= ({\cal U}, \mathcal{F})\)

and an independent set \(Y \in \mathcal{F}\),


we can define \(H({\cal M}, Y)\) as the bipartite graph

with partitions \(Y\) and \({\cal U} \setminus Y\)


where we have an edge between \(y \in Y\) and \(x \in {\cal U} \backslash Y\) if
\((Y \backslash y) \cup\{x\} \in \mathcal{F}.\)


\({\cal U}\setminus Y\)

Prelude: Exchange Graphs

Prelude: Exchange Graphs

Lemma. Let \({\cal M}=({\cal U}, \mathcal{F})\) be a matroid

and let \(Y \in \mathcal{F}\) be an independent set

and let \(Z \subseteq {\cal U}\) be any set with \(|Z|=|Y|\).


Suppose that there exists a unique 
perfect matching \(N\)
in \(H({\cal M}, Y)\) between \(Y \Delta Z\).


Then \(Z \in \mathcal{F}\).



The Rank Function

Let \({\cal M}=({\cal U}, \mathcal{F})\) be a matroid.

Recall that an inclusionwise maximal independent set is called a basis.

Moreover, all bases have the same size which is also called the rank of \({\cal M}\).

One can generalize this to the rank function \(r_{\cal M}: 2^{\cal U} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}\)

which is defined by:

\(r_{\cal M}(S):=\max \{|Y|: Y \subseteq S \text { and } Y \in \mathcal{F}\}\)

Lemma. Let \({\cal M}_1=\left({\cal U}, \mathcal{F}_1\right), {\cal M}_2=\left({\cal U}, \mathcal{F}_2\right)\) with rank functions \(r_1\) and \(r_2\).

Then for any independent set \(Y \in \mathcal{F}_1 \cap \mathcal{F}_2\) and any set \(X \subseteq  {\cal U}\) one has

\(|Y| \leqslant r_1(X)+r_2({\cal U} \setminus X).\)



\({\cal U}\)

Rank Upper Bound

\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).



Consider a shortest \(S-T\) path \(P\).

\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).



Consider a shortest \(S-T\) path \(P\).

\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).



This is the proposed new independent set; call it \(C\).

\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).

Let \(D\) denote \(C \setminus \{~~~~~\} \).



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).

A perfect matching.



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).

Cannot have jumps like this.



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).




\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).

We would obtain a shorter path!



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Add the edge \({\color{IndianRed}u} \rightarrow {\color{DodgerBlue}v}\) if
adding \(v\) and removing \(u\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).

Add the edge \({\color{DodgerBlue}x} \rightarrow {\color{IndianRed}y}\) if
adding \(x\) and removing \(y\) from \(A\) gives us a set that is independent in \({\cal F}_2\).

Want to show: \(A \setminus {\color{slategray}(P \cap A)} \cup {\color{IndianRed}(B \cap P)}\) is independent in both \({\cal F}_1\) and \({\cal F}_2\).

Notice that among the \(A \rightarrow B\) edges, the dashed edges form a unique perfect matching.



\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

Recall the set \(D\).





\(S := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_1\}\).

\(T := \{x \mid A \cup \{x\} \in {\cal F}_2\}\).

We have shown a unique perfect matching \(D \longleftrightarrow A\); implying \(D\) is independent in \({\cal F}_1\).



