Pursuit of...










  • The Pursuit of :-
    • 7.Happiness - Not permanent.
    • 6.Cool - Just blending in.
    • 5.Popularity - Wants to be popular, the center of attention. It makes us humiliate ourselves.
    • 4.Prestige - Wants to associate ourselves with something valuable/prestigious. Wants to let people know how awesome are we by association, not by accomplishment. (Although, true prestige comes from Allah.)
    • 3.Money - Doesn't care about anything but money. Always thinking about money.
    • 2.Excellence - Being the very best/perfect.Are never satisfied with ourselves and we keep pushing harder to become better in everything. Are always comparing with ourselves from yesterday, to be better. ("Allah has not burden you with anything except your own maximum potential.") As Muslims, we cannot be satisfied with mediocrity, must be the best in everything we do in life.
    • 1.Impact - Wants to do something for others, to make the world a better place for others. Being selfless, servants of a cause. Leaving a legacy. Excellence is a byproduct.
    • 0.The Ultimate Truth (Justice) - Working towards an idea, something we can't see. There is maybe no visible sign of success. Example-The Prophets, sharing the truth with others.
    • *Each higher level requires more effort, more pain and are less people. *The most important is the PURSUIT/EFFORT.


Persuit Of...

By newwasif

Persuit Of...

  • 312