Legend of Zelda

Gender Roles


The Legend Of Zelda franchise seems to follow a STEREOTYPICAL plot in which a hero saves a princess through overcoming threatening CHALLENGES; However, the character development and graphical representation of male and female protagonists does not conform to gender STEREOTYPES. The game allows female characters to be "dynamic" and be an active part of the game.

Plot Concept

and main protagonists



  • Female
  • Often, on the surface, portrayed as "Damsel in Distress" as Link comes to her aid
  • Male
  • Portrayed as hero, who in all the game franchises is either helping save the world, or rescuing Zelda


  • Link's aid(s) in the different Zelda games
  • All female
  • Navi(1198)- Minimal Role
    • Pure Annoyance
    • Essentially Secretary
  • Fi(2014) and Midna(2006)-  Active, helpful characters that aid link in fighting
    • Work with link, but not dependent


2006-2014 (Improvement)

The triforce

  • Power, Wisdom , Courage
  • Given by anceint gods(All women)
  • Anyone who possesses all three essentially has the power to take over world
  • Zelda: Wisdom
  • Link: Courage
  • Ganondorf: Power

Link and Zelda introduced in small community

Ganondorf(Main Villain) attempts to steal triforce to rule world

Zelda disappears, either kidnapped or goes into hiding, and link ventures to save the world and find his friend

Link ventures through "Dungeons", fighting monsters and overcoming riddles to defeat ganondorf

On the Surface: Damsel in Distress Plot

"Princess" zelda Behind the scenes importance

  • Sheik (1998)
    • ​Zelda's undercover person that trains link in fighting behind while disguised.
    • ​Extremely active in fighting
    • Takes care of, and protects herself from villain that threatens her


  • Tetra(2003)
    • ​Zelda is a pirate who is entirely competent and fights for herself.
    • Towards beginning of the game, she fights along side link on their journey, and even challenges/stands the main villain of the game herself.

Phisical Representation of Female/Male Protagonists


  • Not portrayed as PARTICULARLY masculine

  • Wears feminine looking dress/tunic

  • Fights STEREOTYPICAL male hero PERSONA

Zelda: Initially and through CHaracter development

  • Originally portrayed as "Damsel in Distress"; Princess who is spoiled by father
  • Weak looking; extremely feminine
  • Not sexualised
  • Strong; Independent
  • Able to fight and be violent
  • Usually main reason Link does not fail
  • Stands up to main villain, who is male

Zelda/ Shiek

Work Cited

  • http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/tetra-zelda-phantom-hourglass-artwork.jpg


By nickb112511


  • 77