API Tools
past, present and future
Undocumented APIs
Lack of design consistancy
No design review
Undocumented APIs
Ajax End Points
- missing documentation
- lack of change management
- some wiki pages
- mostly outdated
- not maintained
Design Consistency
Ajax End Points
- no api design standards
- not restful
Design review
Ajax End Points
- no design reviews
- limited team collaboration
- RAML Design & Definition
- KRAML Tools
- API Design
- Limitations
- Design
- Document
- Share
- Build
- Test
RESTful API Modeling Language
Single source of truth
- Human readable
- Machine readable
- Based on YAML
- API Workbench
Surefire RAML
#%RAML 1.0
title: Personal Loan Surefire JSON Endpoints
version: draft
baseUri: https://surefire.creditkarma.com/
Payload: !include types/payloadTypes.raml
DataTypes: !include types/dataTypes.raml
NumericId: !include types/numericId.raml
CK: !include lib/ck-php-core-spec/commonTypes.raml
offers: !include types/offersResourceType.raml
# TODO: compress these down into fewer resources where common structure is ensured
numericId: CK.numericId
type: offers
description: |
A user can have multiple offers that all are type PersonalLoans.
If you ask for a user's offers, you will get a user's offers. If you want ITA or some other, apply the filters.
API Workbench Demo
Credit Karma Opinionated RAML
- Dates
- Integers
- Return objects not arrays
- Formatted Text
Kraml Tools
- Kraml Parser
- Kraml Linter
- Kraml Codegen
- Contract Test Tool
Credit Karma Raml Tools
Confluence: Search RAML Tools
> npm install --save-dev @ck/kraml-lint
> echo '{"extends": "@ck/kraml-lint/config/CKConfig.js"}' >> .kraml-lintrc
> node_modules/.bin/kraml-lint path/to/your.raml
"scripts": {
"test": "kraml-lint path/to/your.raml"
add test to package.json
The Kraml Linter checks that RAML projects for consistency and standards.
Uses RAML as a source of truth for generating Server and Client code
Server side contract generation to insure servers generate valid results
ObjectiveC / Java
Client side generation to make consuming APIs easier
Contract Test Tool
According to your RAML file, I can hit X endpoint with Y parameters and expect Z response structure – right?
The contract test tool takes your RAML to task and actually tests this.
API Design
"account": {
"status": 1,
"type": 2,
"remarks": "",
"times": [{
"days": 30,
"late": 0
}, {
"days": 60,
"late": 0
Account status | Open |
Type | Flexible Spending Credit Card |
Responsibility | Individual |
Remarks | |
Times 30/60/90 days late | 0/0/0 |
API Design Improved
"details": [
["Account status", "Open"],
["Type", "Flexible Spending Credit Card"],
["Responsibility", "Individual"],
["Times 30/60/90 days","0/0/0"]
- Large API surface as services grow
- Pushing client concerns into service
- Multiple trips
- Versioning
- Common Authentication & API
Common Authentication & API
Standardizing on API.CREDITKARMA.COM
- Update mobile API to support auth tokens
- Refactor native apps to use tokens
- Create all new end points in API
- Product / front end centric
- Client-specified queries
- Backwards Compatible
- Strongly-typed
- Introspective
Graphql Demo
CK API Tools
By Nick Nance
CK API Tools
an introduction
- 1,290