Horror Genre examples, Conventions, themes, Features and Purpose of a Horror Trailer
Examples from the horror genre, its conventions and structures:
The structure of a horror film is usually a story being told that ends with a cliff hanger. The keeps the audience guessing about what could happen next and to keep an interest in the film. Usually have the typical characters/ social groups, for example in cabin in the woods, the characters are young teenagers, with the typical jock, blonde girl, the shy girl and the clever male who works out what may be happening but none of the others believe him. As the film progresses one by one the group of teenagers are killed, usually starting with the blonde girl.
Conventions of a horror genre
The conventions of a horror genre are:
-Atmosphere & tone
-Sound (diegetic & non-diegetic)
-Setting: Dark alley ways, cities, deserted town etc..
-Location: woodland, houses, lakes, roads.
-Camera shots: Close ups, POV, over the shoulder, High/low angle.
•Super natural
•Childhood problems
•Good vs. evil
What is the purpose of a trailer (horror)
•The purpose of any trailer is to give the audience a slight insight of the film, it’s made specific for a target audience. A trailer must give the audience what they want for it to be successful.
•A trailer is also made to portray the genre of the film and to also give information about the film such as the characters etc.
•Trailers are also used to promote the film and to leave the audience thinking they must watch the film, this is achieved by creating a powerful atmosphere in the trailer and tone especially in horror films.
Features and conventions of horror trailers
•Many close ups
•Loud, non-diegetic sounds
•Tense atmosphere
•Patches of silence
•Whispers –add to the tension
•Many jump cuts
•Snippets of best bits
•Doesn’t reveal too much
•Attracts audience to go and see the movie
Dramatic camera angles
•Night vision
•Camera footage
•Flickering lights
•Pace – slow/fast
Horror Genre examples,
By nicolaou21
Horror Genre examples,
- 202