In this simple article, I will show you guys how to pay
New Jersey surcharge(NJSurchage) bills online at the
official site
NJ Surcharge website in the correct way. You can
clear all your NJ DMV surcharge bills online using NJSVS
(New Jersey Surcharge Violation System).

Note: Thousands of people paying extra fines every
year because most of us are not aware of all the
confusing laws.

Do not skip any of the information on this page;
otherwise, you are going to end up paying extra fines.
First things first, If you don’t know why you got a
surcharge on your ticket, then you must know it before
paying for your surcharge.
As we all know, whenever we violate a traffic rule, we will
be issued a traffic ticket, and also we will get a certain
number of points added to our driving license.
At any given point of time, if you have more than SIX
points over the period of three years, then you will be
charged hundred Dollars($100) annually for the next
three years.


NJMCDirect Traffic Ticket Payment Guide - Visit Www.NJMCDirect.Com to Pay New Jersey Parking Tickets

By NJMCDirect Payment

NJMCDirect Traffic Ticket Payment Guide - Visit Www.NJMCDirect.Com to Pay New Jersey Parking Tickets

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