
Das moderne Java


Niklas Lochschmidt

Software Entwickler bei                   


Mehr dazu auf bryter.io


Photo by Sarita Rungsakorn

präzise und kompakt


Typinferenz, vals, keine Semikolons

val hello = "Hello World"
final String hello = "Hello World"



final var hello = "Hello World";

Java 10

Klassen und Methoden

class UserProfile(
   val firstName: String,
   val lastName: String) {

   fun fullName() = "$firstName $lastName"

public final class UserProfile {
  private final String firstName;
  private final String lastName;

  public UserProfile(
      String firstName, 
      String lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  public String getFirstName() {
    return firstName;

  public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;

  public String fullName() {
    return firstName + " " + lastName;



new UserProfile("John", "Doe")
UserProfile("John", "Doe")

Mächtige API für Collections

listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
   .map { it + 1 }
   .filter { it % 2 == 0 }
List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  .map(it -> it + 1)
  .filter(it -> it % 2 == 0)



Mächtige API für Collections

listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
   .map { it + 1 }
   .filter { it % 2 == 0 }
List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  .map(it -> it + 1)
  .filter(it -> it % 2 == 0)



Extension Functions

fun Int.seconds() = Duration.ofSeconds(this.toLong())

fun String.toUUID() = UUID.fromString(this)


val timeout = 60.seconds()

val userId = "dc9b21f2-986d-438f-80a6-e6afe430e6e8".toUUID()


val text = java.io.File("trykotlin.txt").readText()

val price = "39.90".toBigDecimalOrNull()


Eigene  Extension Functions definieren

Kotlin Stdlib

Konkretes Beispiel:

  • Kundennummer
  • Name
  • Von anderem Kunden geworben (optional)
    • Kunden können sich nicht selbst werben
  • Beginn der Kundenbeziehung
  • Datum der letzten Bestellung (optional)
  • Gesamtvolumen der Bestellungen
    • 0 € zu Beginn
    • Kann niemals weniger als 0 € werden
customerNr: Int
name: String
referredBy: Int [0..1]
becameCustomerAt: Instant  = now()
lastOrderAt: Instant [0..1]
totalOrderValue: Double = 0.0

Kunde im Kontext eines Kundenbindungsprogrammes

Customer customer = new Customer(1, "Peter", 2, Instant.now(), null 0.0);


  • Welcher Parameter ist referredBy?
  • Welche Parameter sind notwendig, welche optional?
  • Wenn ein Parameter hinzugefügt wird müssen wir hier nochmal ran


Kurzer Exkurs

Notwendigkeit von Buildern in Java

public final class Customer {
  private final int customerNr;
  private String name;
  private final Integer referredBy;       // Builder default: null
  private final Instant becameCustomerAt; // Builder default: Instant.now()
  private Instant lastOrderAt;            // Builder default: null
  private double totalOrderValue;         // Builder default: 0.0

 private Customer(Builder builder) {
    if (builder.customerNr == builder.referredBy) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Customers can not refer themselves");

    customerNr = builder.customerNr;
    name = builder.name;
    referredBy = builder.referredBy;
    becameCustomerAt = builder.becameCustomerAt;
    lastOrderAt = builder.lastOrderAt;


  public void setName(String value) { 
    this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(value); 
  public void setLastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
    this.lastOrderAt = value; 

  public void setTotalOrderValue(double value) {
    if (value < 0.0) { 
      throw new IllegalStateException("Can not set totalOrderValue to less than 0.0"); 
    this.totalOrderValue = value;


Wichtig: Setter benutzen sonst findet keine Prüfung statt

  public int getCustomerNr() { 
    return customerNr; 

  public String getName() { 
    return name; 
  public int getReferredBy() { 
    return referredBy; 
  public Instant getBecameCustomerAt() { 
    return becameCustomerAt; 
  public Instant getLastOrderAt() { 
    return lastOrderAt; 

  public double getTotalOrderValue() { 
    return totalOrderValue; 

  @Override public String toString() {
    return String.format("Customer(customerNr = %d, name = %s ...)", customerNr, name);

  @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof Customer) {
      return ((Customer) other).customerNr == customerNr;
    return false;

  @Override public int hashCode() { 
    return Integer.hashCode(customerNr); 


  public static class Builder {
    // Required
    private final int customerNr;
    private final String name;
    // Optional
    private Integer referredBy = null;
    private Instant becameCustomerAt = Instant.now();
    private Instant lastOrderAt = null;
    private double totalOrderValue = 0.0;

    public Builder(int customerNr, String name) {
      this.customerNr = Objects.requireNonNull(customerNr);
      this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name);

    public Builder referredBy(int value) {  
      this.referredBy = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder becameCustomerAt(Instant value) { 
      this.becameCustomerAt = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder lastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
      this.lastOrderAt = value; 
      return this; 
    public Builder totalOrderValue(double value) { 
      this.totalOrderValue = value; 
      return this; 

    public Customer build() { return new Customer(this); }


Customer customer = new Customer(2, "Peter", 1, Instant.now(), null 0.0)
Customer customer = new Customer.Builder(2, "Peter")



Ungelöste Probleme

  • Parameter customerNr und name werden nicht benannt
  • Builder und build() ist Rauschen



public final class Customer {
  private final int customerNr;
  private String name;
  private final Integer referredBy;       // Builder default: null
  private final Instant becameCustomerAt; // Builder default: Instant.now()
  private Instant lastOrderAt;            // Builder default: null
  private double totalOrderValue;         // Builder default: 0.0

 private Customer(Builder builder) {
    if (builder.customerNr == builder.referredBy) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Customers can not refer themselves");

    customerNr = builder.customerNr;
    name = builder.name;
    referredBy = builder.referredBy;
    becameCustomerAt = builder.becameCustomerAt;
    lastOrderAt = builder.lastOrderAt;


  public void setName(String value) { 
    this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(value); 
  public void setLastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
    this.lastOrderAt = value; 

  public void setTotalOrderValue(double value) {
    if (value < 0.0) { 
      throw new IllegalStateException("Can not set totalOrderValue to less than 0.0"); 
    this.totalOrderValue = value;

  public int getCustomerNr() { 
    return customerNr; 

  public String getName() { 
    return name; 
  public int getReferredBy() { 
    return referredBy; 
  public Instant getBecameCustomerAt() { 
    return becameCustomerAt; 
  public Instant getLastOrderAt() { 
    return lastOrderAt; 

  public double getTotalOrderValue() { 
    return totalOrderValue; 

  @Override public String toString() {
    return String.format("Customer(customerNr = %d, name = %s ...)", customerNr, name);

  @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof Customer) {
      return ((Customer) other).customerNr == customerNr;
    return false;

  @Override public int hashCode() { 
    return Integer.hashCode(customerNr); 
  public static class Builder {
    // Required
    private final int customerNr;
    private final String name;
    // Optional
    private Integer referredBy = null;
    private Instant becameCustomerAt = Instant.now();
    private Instant lastOrderAt = null;
    private double totalOrderValue = 0.0;

    public Builder(int customerNr, String name) {
      this.customerNr = Objects.requireNonNull(customerNr);
      this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name);

    public Builder referredBy(int value) {  
      this.referredBy = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder becameCustomerAt(Instant value) { 
      this.becameCustomerAt = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder lastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
      this.lastOrderAt = value; 
      return this; 
    public Builder totalOrderValue(double value) { 
      this.totalOrderValue = value; 
      return this; 

    public Customer build() { return new Customer(this); }


Eigenwerbung abfangen

Bestellwert niemals negativ


...den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen

Softwareentwickler verbringen sehr viel Zeit mit der Suche nach den Stellen die wir verändern oder erweitern wollen

Eine Zeile Code weniger die wir schreiben,

ist eine Zeile Code weniger in der ein Fehler auftreten kann

public final class Customer {
  private final int customerNr;
  private String name;
  private final Integer referredBy;       // Builder default: null
  private final Instant becameCustomerAt; // Builder default: Instant.now()
  private Instant lastOrderAt;            // Builder default: null
  private double totalOrderValue;         // Builder default: 0.0

 private Customer(Builder builder) {
    if (builder.customerNr == builder.referredBy) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Customers can not refer themselves");

    customerNr = builder.customerNr;
    name = builder.name;
    referredBy = builder.referredBy;
    becameCustomerAt = builder.becameCustomerAt;
    lastOrderAt = builder.lastOrderAt;


  public void setName(String value) { 
    this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(value); 
  public void setLastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
    this.lastOrderAt = value; 

  public void setTotalOrderValue(double value) {
    if (value < 0.0) { 
      throw new IllegalStateException("Can not set totalOrderValue to less than 0.0"); 
    this.totalOrderValue = value;

  public int getCustomerNr() { 
    return customerNr; 

  public String getName() { 
    return name; 
  public int getReferredBy() { 
    return referredBy; 
  public Instant getBecameCustomerAt() { 
    return becameCustomerAt; 
  public Instant getLastOrderAt() { 
    return lastOrderAt; 

  public double getTotalOrderValue() { 
    return totalOrderValue; 

  @Override public String toString() {
    return String.format("Customer(customerNr = %d, name = %s ...)", customerNr, name);

  @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof Customer) {
      return ((Customer) other).customerNr == customerNr;
    return false;

  @Override public int hashCode() { 
    return Integer.hashCode(customerNr); 
  public static class Builder {
    // Required
    private final int customerNr;
    private final String name;
    // Optional
    private Integer referredBy = null;
    private Instant becameCustomerAt = Instant.now();
    private Instant lastOrderAt = null;
    private double totalOrderValue = 0.0;

    public Builder(int customerNr, String name) {
      this.customerNr = Objects.requireNonNull(customerNr);
      this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name);

    public Builder referredBy(int value) {  
      this.referredBy = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder becameCustomerAt(Instant value) { 
      this.becameCustomerAt = value; 
      return this; 

    public Builder lastOrderAt(Instant value) { 
      this.lastOrderAt = value; 
      return this; 
    public Builder totalOrderValue(double value) { 
      this.totalOrderValue = value; 
      return this; 

    public Customer build() { return new Customer(this); }
class Customer(
    val customerNr: Int,
    var name: String,
    val referredBy: Int? = null,
    val becameCustomerAt: Instant = Instant.now(),
    var lastOrderAt: Instant? = null,
    totalOrderValue: Double = 0.0) {

  var totalOrderValue: Double = 0.0
    set(value) {
      require(value >= 0.0) { 
        "Can not set totalOrderValue to less than 0.0" 
      field = value

  init {
    require(referredBy != customerNr) { 
      "Customers can not refer themselves" 
    this.totalOrderValue = totalOrderValue

  override fun toString() = 
      "Customer(customerNr = $customerNr, name = $name)"

  override fun equals(other: Any?) = when (other) {
    is Customer -> other.customerNr == customerNr
    else -> false

  override fun hashCode() = customerNr.hashCode()




val customer = Customer(1, "Peter", referredBy = 2)
val customer = Customer(
  customerNr = 1, 
  name = "Peter", 
  becameCustomerAt = Instant.parse("2019-01-28T11:00:00Z")



  • Parametername explizit angegeben
    • erlaubt hinzufügen von neuen Parametern an beliebiger Stelle
    • erlaubt umsortieren von Parametern ohne Aufruf zu ändern



Developer Happiness


Fehlerklassen vermeiden

"I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference [into ALGOL W], simply because it was so easy to implement."

"I call it my billion-dollar mistake"

- Tony Hoare at QCon 2009

Nullable Types

NullPointerExceptions verhindern?

  • JSR 305 (dormant) "Annotations for Software Defect Detection" (@Nonnull)
  • Findbugs
  • Lombok @NonNull
  • JetBrains Annotations (@Nullable und @NotNull)

In Java ist alles "Nullable by default"


Nullable Types in Kotlin

Null muss explizit behandelt werden

val hello: String = null
// Error: Null can not be a value of a non-null type String
fun sayHello(name: String) {
  println("Hello $name")
val hello: String? = null
// ✓
// Error: Null can not be a value of a non-null type String





fun getReferrer(customer: Customer): Customer? {
  return findCustomerByNr(customer.referredBy) 
// Error: Type mismatch. Required Int, Found Int?
fun findCustomerByNr(customerNr: Int): Customer? { ... }



Nullable Types in Kotlin

if (customer.referredBy == null) {
  return null

findCustomerByNr(customer.referredBy) // Kompiliert

Der Compiler merkt sich null-Checks

customer.referredBy ?: return null


Der "Elvis" Operator 



Nullable Types in Kotlin

fun findCustomerByNr(customerNr: Int): Customer? { ... }


Minimize mutablilty

  1. Don't provide methods that modify the object's state
  2. Ensure that classes can't be extended
    • Vererbung nur an speziell definierten und dokumentierten Punkten 
  3. Make all fields final
  4. Make all fields private, access through getters
  5. Ensure exclusive access to any mutable components

    • keine Referenz auf interne Daten rausgeben wenn diese veränderbar sind 

Item 17 aus "Effective Java"

Data classes

data class OrderReceived(
  val orderNr: Int,
  val customerNr: Int,
  val totalValue: Double,
  val receivedAt: Instant = Instant.now(),
  • Alle Felder mit val sind nicht veränderbar
  • Von einer data class kann nicht geerbt werden
  • Die generierte Methode copy(...) liefert ein neues Objekt zurück
  • Zusätzlich generierte Methoden
    • Getter für jedes Feld
    • toString()
    • equals() und hashCode()


Pattern matching und Smart casts

sealed class InvitationResponse {
  object Available : InvitationResponse()
  data class ConflictWithOtherEvent(val otherEventName: String) : InvitationResponse()

fun autoReply(response: InvitationResponse): String {
  return when (response) {
    is Available              -> "Great, see you there"
    is ConflictWithOtherEvent -> "Have fun at ${response.otherEventName}"

else wird nicht benötigt, da alle Subklassen bekannt sind

sealed: Subklassen können nur in dieser Datei deklariert werden

Zugriff auf otherEventName ohne expliziten Cast


Pattern matching und Smart casts

sealed class InvitationResponse {
  object Available : InvitationResponse()
  object ConflictWithPrivateEvent : InvitationResponse()
  data class ConflictWithOtherEvent(val otherEventName: String) : InvitationResponse()

fun autoReply(response: InvitationResponse): String {
  return when (response) {
    is Available              -> "Great, see you there"
    is ConflictWithOtherEvent -> "Have fun at ${response.otherEventName}"

Error: when expression must be exhaustive, add necessary ConflictWithPrivateEvent branch or else branch instead

Neue Subklasse ConflictWithPrivateEvent


Standardmäßig sicher(er)


Von Kotlin zu Java und zurück

Java in Kotlin nutzen

Funktioniert im wesentlichen problemlos

Beispiel wie Kotlin mit Unsicherheit aus Java Code umgeht:

public interface ReplyGenerator {
  public String createReply();
fun printer(replyGenerator: ReplyGenerator) {
  val reply = replyGenerator.createReply()

IntelliJ markiert reply als String! da unklar ist ob es String oder String? ist



Bekannte Tools und Frameworks weiternutzen


Frameworks und Tools mit Kotlin Support


Entwickler von Bibliotheken bieten Erweiterungen für Kotlin an





Kotlin Code aus Java aufrufen

class Customer @JvmOverloads constructor(
  val customerNr: Int
  var name: String = "Neuer Kunde"
Customer customer = new Customer(1000);
customer.getName(); // "Neuer Kunde"
fun withConnection(
  dbName: String, 
  execute: (Connection) -> Unit): {
fun String.toInstant() = Instant.parse(this)
DBKt.withConnection("customerDb", connection -> {

Kotlin Klassen in Java verwenden

Top-level funktion in DB.kt

Extension function in StringOps.kt







Kotlin ist keine Magie

Evolution in Kotlin












Binär-kompatibel mit


Auf den Schultern von Riesen

Getting started

Photo by David Bartus

Kotlin Playground

Kotlin Koans

Automatische Konvertierung in IntelliJ

Weitere Informationsquellen

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit


By Niklas Lochschmidt


Das moderne Java

  • 1,262