The Integumentary System

By: Noah Richardson

What is the Integumentary System?

  • Washable, waterproof, germproof and self-repairing
  • Front line of defense for protecting our fragile insides
  • Includes:
    • ​Skin (Integument)
    • Its appendages
      • Hair​
      • Nails
      • Certain glands

Hair Follicle

*Image of hair in relation to other epidermal and dermal structures of the skin*



  • Protection of inner body structures
    • Migration and shedding
    • Repairing wounds by having cell replacement mechanisms
    • Langerhan's cells: cells within epidermis that help the immune response; help lymphocytes process antigens
  • Sensory perception
    • Sensory nerve fibers in the nerve roots
  • Regulation of body temperature (Thermoregulation)
    • Helps maintain internal body temperature of 98.6 degress Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius)                                          
    • Nerves, blood vessels, and eccrine (sweat) glands within the dermis
    • Cold- blood vessels constrict, decrease blood flow; Warm- arteries dilate, increase blood flow, reducing body heat
  • Excretion of some body fluids
    • ​Sweat- water, electrolytes, urea, lactic acid
  • Synthesis of Vitamin D
    • ​Protection against UV radiation

Fun Facts on the Integumentary System

  1. Takes up to 6 months for a baby to develop its permanent skin tone
  2. The skin has its own microbiome of over 1,000 species and around 1 billion individual bacteria
  3. An average adult's skin length is about 21 square feet, weighs 9 pounds, and holds more than 11 miles of blood vessels
  4. The skin on your mouth is 200 times more sensitive than the skin on your fingertips
  5. A blind person's visual cortex is rewired to respond to stimuli received through touch and hearing, so they can literally "see" the world by touch and sound


By Noah Richardson


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