Deepening a thing at a time

My experience with Cypress

I'm Stefano Magni

I'm a passionate front-end engineer, a Cypress ambassador,

and an instructor.


I work for WorkWave, a Field Service Software company.

or just launch

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Early 2018

I fall in love with the Testing world

Late 2018

I fall in love with Cypress

Early 2018

I fall in love with the Testing world

Late 2018

I fall in love with Cypress

Early 2018

I fall in love with the Testing world

January 2019

I deepen Cypress for a whole month

Late 2018

I fall in love with Cypress

Early 2018

I fall in love with the Testing world

January 2019

I deepen Cypress for a whole month

February 2019

I start answering on StackOverflow

Late 2018

I fall in love with Cypress

Early 2018

I fall in love with the Testing world

January 2019

I deepen Cypress for a whole month

February 2019

I start answering on StackOverflow

March 2019

I start sharing Cypress plugins

Late 2018

I fall in love with Cypress

January 2019

I deepen Cypress for a whole month

February 2019

I start answering on StackOverflow

March 2019

I start sharing Cypress plugins

April 2019

I start writing a GitHub book about UI Testing

January 2019

I deepen Cypress for a whole month

February 2019

I start answering on StackOverflow

March 2019

I start sharing Cypress plugins

April 2019

I start writing a GitHub book about UI Testing

May 2019

I talk at the first meetup about Cypress (the first of 10)

February 2019

I start answering on StackOverflow

March 2019

I start sharing Cypress plugins

April 2019

I start writing a GitHub book about UI Testing

May 2019

I talk at the first meetup about Cypress (the first of 10)

June 2019

Cypress interviews me

March 2019

I start sharing Cypress plugins

April 2019

I start writing a GitHub book about UI Testing

May 2019

I talk at the first meetup about Cypress (the first of 10)

June 2019

Cypress interviews me

July 2019

I talk at the first conference about Cypress (the first of 3)

April 2019

I start writing a GitHub book about UI Testing

May 2019

I talk at the first meetup about Cypress (the first of 10)

June 2019

Cypress interviews me

July 2019

I talk at the first conference about Cypress (the first of 3)

September 2019

I move to a new amazing company, knew thanks to my talks

May 2019

I talk at the first meetup about Cypress (the first of 10)

June 2019

Cypress interviews me

July 2019

I talk at the first conference about Cypress (the first of 3)

September 2019

I move to a new amazing company, knew thanks to my talks

October 2019

I teach at the first React Testing course, especially about Cypress (the first of 3)

June 2019

Cypress interviews me

July 2019

I talk at the first conference about Cypress (the first of 3)

September 2019

I move to a new amazing company, knew thanks to my talks

October 2019

I teach at the first React Testing course, especially about Cypress (the first of 3)



my OSS projects received more than 900 ⭐️


from ~200 to ~600 followers on Twitter

The most important thing:


What drives me?

What drives me?


What drives me?


Improving quality

What drives me?


Improving quality

Helping people

What drives me?


Improving quality

Helping people


How could you do the same?

forget FOMO

choose one topic that you'd want to learn/deepen

choose one topic that you'd want to learn/deepen

(avoid being stuck on this choice)

choose one topic that you'd want to learn/deepen

(avoid being stuck on this choice)

If you want to climb a mountain, you won't take the first step.


if you take the first step,

you'll climb a mountain.

you need more time and
you need to use it better

learn in public

learn in public

if you can't explain it, you don't know it

learn in public

if you can't explain it, you don't know it

everyone has something to say

learn in public

if you can't explain it, you don't know it

everyone has something to say

Your mistakes will be fixed by others

learn in public

if you can't explain it, you don't know it

everyone has something to say

Your mistakes will be fixed by others

You apply your knowledge to other people' problems

Who inspired me




Thank you

Written version of these slides

on Medium and

Deepening a thing at a time

By Stefano Magni

Deepening a thing at a time

Nowadays, we are bombarded with new frameworks, new libraries, new patterns. How could you manage this swollen river of knowledge? Should you know a bit of everything or should you concentrate on just one thing? There is no right answer but I would like to tell you my journey with Cypress: the whys, the hows, the results, and the by-products. I dedicated one month only to Cypress, I experimented with new learning paths, I returned to public speaking... And I knew tons of people. I received a lot of feedback, I wrote a GitHub book and I taught some courses. It worked pretty well for me and it shaped a new way of learning from now on.

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