Complex and accessible JS widgets

Logo Nothing AG

(with simple HTML)

Wednesday, 19th of July

Nothing AG, Berne

Portrait of Josua Muheim

Hello everybody! 👋🏼

  • Josua Muheim
  • Web developer ~15 years
  • Technology​ should unlock human potential
  • Goal: Inclusion of all individuals
  • Accessibility expert ~8 years
  • Initiator of «A11y Dev Guide» 🔗
Logo Nothing AG
AD G* Created with Sketch.

A11y Dev Guide (ADG)

Logo Nothing AG
Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.
Screenshot of Accessibility Developer Guide

Nothing AG

Logo Nothing AG
  • Peer to peer (P2P)
  • Web agency / venture lab
  • Berne, Switzerland
Logo Nothing AG
Logo Nothing AG

Become a well-known "accessible-first" web
company in (and outside) Switzerland

A question

of trust


What do you trust more?

<a href="…">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='…'">
  Click me!
Two climbers: one secures the other who is hanging over the abyss with a rope

Why? 🤔

Benefits of traditional HTML

<a href="…">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='…'">
  Click me!
  • Behaviour for free
    • Go to address on click
    • Keyboard focusability
  • Styles for free
    • Underline
    • Focus, hover, active states
  • Compatibility
    • ​Forward and backwards
    • Without JavaScript

Sure, we can "enhance" the fake

<a href="…">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='…'"
  Click me!

  .link        {…}
  .link:hover  {…}
  .link:focus  {…}
  .link:active {…}
  • Apply custom...
    • aesthetics
    • behaviour
    • semantics

But how will it perform?

  • Still: it's not really a link​! 🤥
    • Can't open context menu
    • Can't bookmark (drag & drop)
    • Possibly many more things

Traditional HTML beats
quirky custom solutions

  • Much functionality "for free"
  • Robust
  • Performant
<a href="…">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='…'"
  Click me!

  .link        {…}
  .link:hover  {…}
  .link:focus  {…}
  .link:active {…}


But why

would anyone do this?!

Reason I: Ignorance / naivety

<span onclick="location.href='…'">
  Click me!
  • Encountered innumerable times
  • Typical bad use cases:
    • List of search results
    • Menu in single page apps
  • See Apple's product list 🔗
  • Please stop doing this!
  • Use real links (or buttons)!

Reason II: HTML can't be styled

  <option id="cat">Cat</option>
  <option id="dog">Dog</option>

<style><!-- Won't have an effect -->
  select { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }
  • In earlier days, many HTML elements offered limited CSS
  • Some still can't be styled
  • Instead, use role-attributes
    • role="listbox" for <select>
    • role="option" for <option>
<div role="listbox">
  <div role="option" id="cat">Cat</div>
  <div role="option" id="dog">Dog</div>

  [role=listbox] { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }

Reason III: HTML missing

<!-- No such thing -->
  <tab id="tab1">Tab 1</tab>
  <!-- And more tabs -->

  <content for="tab1">
    Content 1
  <!-- More content -->

Quite a few well established usage patterns without HTML equivalent.

Requires to tinker own custom solution.

<ul role="tablist">
  <li role="tab">
    <a href="#section1" role="presentation"
        id="tab1" aria-selected="true">
      Tab 1

<section id="section1" role="tabpanel"
    tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="tab1">
  Content 1

role = ARIA

  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications standard
  • Version 1.0 🔗 released in 2014 by W3C 🔗
  • Offers attributes to enrich traditional HTML with semantics
  • But: they don't add functionality!
  • Still a lot of JavaScript to add:
    • Manage visibility and styles
    • Provide keyboard focusability
    • Provide interactivity
    • Update changes to semantics
      • aria-selected="true"
  • Quickly becomes complex
<div role="listbox">
  <div role="option" id="cat">Cat</div>
  <div role="option" id="dog">Dog</div>

  [role=listbox] { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }

ARIA example

  • Collapsible Dropdown Listbox Example: 🔗
    • ~150 lines of CSS
    • ​~900 lines of JavaScript!
  • ​Support varies heavily among browser / screen reader combos
  • ARIA offer limited:
    • "listbox" or "tablist" available
    • "datepicker" and others missing
    • You will quickly reach the point where there is no official recipe
  • ​So: what to do then?

First rule of ARIA use

If you can use a native HTML element (or attribute) with the semantics and behavior you require, then do so. Do not instead re-purpose an element and add an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible.

First rule of ARIA use

There (nearly) always exists a native element, even when not obvious at first sight!

If you can use a native HTML element (or attribute) with the semantics and behavior you require, then do so. Do not instead re-purpose an element and add an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible.

No HTML element

  • A <select> offers predefined list of options
  • One of which can be chosen
  • What other HTML element allows for this?
Thinking face

Come on!

Radio buttons!

Thinking face
  • 100% customisable
    • <label> elements can be
    • <input> can be visually
      hidden (moved off-screen)
  • No JavaScript needed
  • 100% accessible
Radio buttons

A listbox

of radio buttons! Autosuggest

  • URL: examples/widgets/autosuggest/ 🔗
  • Radio buttons
  • Very good screen reader accessibility
    • Announces itself appropriately 👍
    • Announces availability of options 👍
    • Announces selected option + total of options 👍
<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="dancing">
<label for="dancing">Dancing</label>

<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="gardening">
<label for="gardening">Gardening</label>

Only tiny bit of JavaScript / ARIA!

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch. Autosuggest Demo


  • Very accessible
  • ~60 lines of CSS
  • ~230 lines of JavaScript
    • Including filter functionality
Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.

What about multi selects?

  • There is none yet
    • We are currently creating it!
    • Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
  • What to use instead of radio buttons?
    • Checkboxes, indeed!
  • 🔗
    • Proof of Concept
    • Reusable widget 😊
    • Join us! 💪

Let's recap

Form controls are powerful

  • They handle much more than basic user input
  • They can handle many sophisticated UI patterns
  • They are:
    • Simple and compatible
    • Robust and performant
    • Innately accessible
  • They can be styled as wished
Spock from Starship Enterprise

What do you trust?

<a href="…">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='…'"
  Click me!

Remember next time

When you're tempted to glue together some random <div> / <span> elements with JavaScript handlers

That's all folks!

Logo Nothing AG

Reach out:

Coffee break
Portrait of Josua Muheim

Our competences:

Thank you.

DeafIT 2022: Complex and accessible JavaScript (widgets with simple HTML)

By Nothing

DeafIT 2022: Complex and accessible JavaScript (widgets with simple HTML)

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