Accessibility on the web

Logo Nothing AG

history, screenreaders usage and good practices in code

Wednesday, Sep 8

Nothing AG, Bern

Logo Nothing AG

Live, accessible slides broadcast

  • See event description ๐Ÿ”—
  • Please use only as additional aid
  • Shared screen is main reference
    • โ€‹Switch between applications
    • Play videos


  • โžก๏ธ Intro
  • ๐Ÿ“š History
  • ๐Ÿ›  Good practices in code (part 1)
  • ๐Ÿ–ฅ Screen readers
  • ๐Ÿ›  Good practices in code (part 2)
  • โฌ…๏ธ Outro

Table of content

Portrait of Josua Muheim

Hello everybody! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

  • Joanna Salathรฉ
  • Software engineer graduated from EPFL
  • Web Developer (Frontend) ~ 4 years
  • Very interested in (gender) diversity
  • Inclusion should be about all individuals
  • Use technology to make a positive impact (e.g. with accessibility)
Logo Nothing AG

Nothing AG

Logo Nothing AG
  • Peer-to-peer (P2P)
  • Digital agency, Venture lab
  • Bern, Switzerland

Nothing AG

Logo Nothing AG
Peerdom screenshot
Logo Nothing AG

Become a well-known "accessibility-first" web
company in (and outside) Switzerland

Our accessibility support

  • Design reviews
  • Semantic HTML prototyping
  • Visual and functional prototyping
  • Reviews & optimisations of existing project
  • Presentations and workshops
  • Hands-on work on your product
  • Written & video documentation
Portrait of Josua Muheim
Logo Nothing AG

or: Inclusive design unlocks human potential

Nothing AG, Bern

Introduction to accessibility of digital media

20+ years ago

(aka. "The Dark Ages")

1808: First typewriter

  • Invented by Pellegrino Turri (incl. ink paper)
  • For blind friend Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzano
    • Could write, but not read
    • Proofreading impossible
Countess Carolina sitting in front of typewriter

Thinking outside the boxย 

1824: Braille

Braille closeup
Braille typewriter

Communication still tedious!

  • Tactile writing system
  • Invented by Louis Braille (at age of 15)
    • Could read, but not write
  • Until invention of braille typewriters
  • Not readable by most other people

Modern times

Everything's better now (?)

Until 2010: Early digital accessibility

  • Stable working screen readers and OS (desktop)
    • โ€‹Scan papers (OCR)
    • Navigate the web
    • Read and write emails


  • (Good) Simple and traditional services
    • Not so many ("Web 1.0") โžกย accessible
  • (Bad) Sophisticated and expensive
Electronic braille device

Today: Opportunities...

  • How important is to YOU...
    • The Internet?
    • Your smartphone?
  • Control virtual and physical world
    • "Internet of things" (IoT)
  • Mobile screen readers
    • Free & easy


  • Endless possibilities (?)

...vs. obstacles!

  • Modern apps and websites are "fancy"
    • Visually oriented
    • Complex


  • A lot of basic requirements are prone to be "forgotten"
    • Valid (semantic) HTML
    • Keyboard-only navigation
    • Text alternatives for images
    • Good color contrast
Rock blocking road

Most harmful situation

  • Disabled people are often excluded from the digital world
  • Although, they are the ones that are by far the most...
    • Dependent
    • Profiting


  • Services are transferred from the physical to the virtual world
    • Categorically excluding more people
    • Problem just becomming bigger and bigger


Two-class society in the digital world?

  • Default users vs. people of disability
  • Fanciness often goes against usability & accessibility
  • Technically, everything would be readyโ€‹

aesthetics can be 100% accessible!

Public pressure increasing

National and international laws adapting

  • Europe
    • (2006) Convention of the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities
      • (since 2014) Ratified by Switzerland
      • (future) Even private sector held responsible
  • โ€‹USA
    • Waves of lawsuits
      • Better to raise awareness than negatively punishing


  • ย More awareness due to the current pandemic


For today and tomorrow

So much is possible!

  • Daniele Corciulo (accessibility expert, 1.5% eyesight)
    • Former employee of foundation ยซAccess for allยป
    • Now working at Fachstelle Studium und Behinderung at University of Zรผrich
  • Let's Play "Last of us 2" (blind) ๐Ÿ”—


Daniele is enabled to...

  • Use public transport
    • Electronic time table (Braille
      handles, guidelines for white stick)
  • Read paper mail
    • Scan, then OCR and text-to-speech
  • Identify objects
    • Scan bar codes
  • Operate the coffee machine
    • Smartphone app (through
      Bluetooth) and screen reader

Forms of disability

  • Visual (up to blindness)
  • Hearing (up to deafness)
  • Motor (e.g. a broken arm)
  • Cognitive and neurological (e.g. attention deficit)
  • Age related (we will all have more difficulties)

Unlocking human potential

Countess Carolina sitting in front of typewriter
  • Creating accessible products means...
    • Equality, regardless of (physical) differences
  • It's not about creating "social welfare state"
  • It's about including & unlocking human potential
    • We, as society, can benefit from this!
    • Disabled people think outside the box!
  • Remember the typewriter?
    • Would we have smartphones today?

Human potential is the only limitless resource we have on this earth.

(Carly Fiorina)

Complex and accessible JavaScript widgets

Logo Nothing AG

(with simple HTML)

Nothing AG, Bern

A question

of trust


What do you trust more?

<a href="โ€ฆ">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'">
  Click me!


Valid vs "Traditional" HTML

The <a> HTML element [...] creates a hyperlink to web pages, [...] or anything else a URL can address 
The <span> HTML element [...] is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything 
It should be used only when no other semantic element is appropriate

Benefits of traditional HTML

<a href="โ€ฆ">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'">
  Click me!
  • Behaviour for free
    • Go to address on click
    • Keyboard focusability
  • Styles for free
    • Underline
    • Focus, hover, active states
  • Compatibility
    • โ€‹Backwards and forwards
    • Better performance (works without Javascript)

Sure, we can do "enhancements"

<a href="โ€ฆ">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'"
  Click me!
  • Apply custom...
    • aesthetics
    • behaviour
    • semantics

But how will it perform?

  • Still: it's not really a linkโ€‹!
    • No complete keyboard handling
    • Can't open context menu
    • Can't bookmark
    • Possibly many more things
Codepen ๐Ÿ”—

Traditional HTML beats quirky custom solutions

  • Much functionality "for free"
  • Robust
  • Performant
<a href="โ€ฆ">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'"
  Click me!


But why

would anyone do this?!

Reason I: Ignorance

The button vs link case

The <a> HTML element [...] creates a hyperlink to web pages, [...] or anything else a URL can address 
The <button> HTML element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or [...] for standard button functionality

Reason I: Ignorance

But confusion happens when....

Reason I: Ignorance

But confusion happens when....

<ul class="references-guides " role="menu">
 <li role="none">
  <a tabindex="-1" href="/en-US/docs/Learn" role="menuitem">
   Learn web development

Reason I: Ignorance

<button onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'">

Please stop doing this!

Even if visually sometimes buttons and links styling are exchanged (and visual users are used to it), you should always remain semantically correct in HTML !

<a> or form submits โžก trigger a navigation change

<button> or form elements โžก trigger a UI state change

Reason II: HTML can't be styled

  <option id="cat">Cat</option>
  <option id="dog">Dog</option>

<style><!-- Won't have an effect -->
  select { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }
  • In earlier days, many HTML elements offered limited CSS
    • Some still can't be styled

Reason II: HTML can't be styled

  <option id="cat">Cat</option>
  <option id="dog">Dog</option>

<style><!-- Won't have an effect -->
  select { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }
  • In earlier days, many HTML elements offered limited CSS
    • Some still can't be styled
  • Instead, use role-attributes
    • role="listbox" for <select>
    • role="option" for <option>
<div role="listbox">
  <div role="option" id="cat">Cat</div>
  <div role="option" id="dog">Dog</div>

  [role=listbox] { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }

Reason III: HTML missing

Quite a few well established usage patterns without HTML equivalent.

Requires to tinker own custom solution.

<ul role="tablist">
  <li role="tab">
    <a href="#section1" role="presentation"
        id="tab1" aria-selected="true">
      Tab 1

<section id="section1" role="tabpanel"
    tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="tab1">
  Content 1
<!-- No such thing -->
  <tab id="tab1">Tab 1</tab>
  <!-- And more tabs -->

  <content for="tab1">
    Content 1
  <!-- More content -->

ARIA specification

  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications standard
  • Version 1.0ย ๐Ÿ”— released in 2014 by W3Cย ๐Ÿ”—


  • Offers attributes to enrich valid HTML with semantics
  • But: they don't add functionality!


  • Still a lot of JavaScript to add:
    • Manage visibility/style (dynamically)
    • Provide keyboard functionality
    • Update semantic state
      • aria-selected="true"
  • Quickly becomes complex
<div role="listbox">
  <div role="option" id="cat">Cat</div>
  <div role="option" id="dog">Dog</div>

  [role=listbox] { font-weight: bold; }

  #cat { background-color: blue; }
  #dog { background-color: red; }

ARIA example

  • Collapsible Dropdown Listbox Example:ย ๐Ÿ”—
    • ~150 lines of CSS
    • โ€‹~900 lines of JavaScript!
  • โ€‹Support varies drastically among browser / screen reader combos
  • ARIA offer limited:
    • "listbox" or "tablist" available
    • "datepicker" and others missing
    • You will quickly reach the point where there is no official recipe
  • โ€‹So: what to do then?

First rule of ARIA use

" If you can use a native HTML element (or attribute) with the semantics and behavior you require, then do so. Do not instead re-purpose an element and add an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible. "


There (nearly) always exists a traditional element, even when not obvious at first sight!

Introduction to screen readers - a "gamified" approach

Logo Nothing AG

(to an otherwise hard-to-grasp topic)

Nothing AG, Bern

Fog of War

Try to play Pacman...

...but with Fog of War!





Screen readers are like Pacman

but with fog of war!

  • They start at the top of the page
  • They allow to navigate through DOM
    • Sequentially conveying one object after the other
  • Vision is two-dimensional
    • Perception of surface
    • Overview of web page within 1sec
  • Audio (speech) is one-dimensional
    • Try to listen to people in parallel

Screen readers are linear (1D)

Screen readers are slow (is it?)

  • Reading through full website takes time (top to bottom)
    • Usually specific interest (e.g. article or product)
  • Speech rate can be increased
    • Up to 1 mio. percent
  • Blind users rely on other ways to navigate
    • Heading outline
    • List of all links / form controls
    • Etc.

Screen readers:

Why they are important

Importance of semantics

  • Philosophy & Linguistics: The study of meanings
  • UI / Web Development, it refers to:
    • The meaning of UI elements
    • The overall meaning of the content structure
  • For example
    • "This is a heading"
    • "This is a heading of level 2"
    • "This is a text input"
  • Screen readers evaluate this info
    • They convey it to user (through audio)
    • This allows meaningful interaction with elements

Bad vs. good semantics

Codepen ๐Ÿ”—
Codepen ๐Ÿ”—

Bad vs. good semantics

Bad vs. good semantics

Codepen ๐Ÿ”—

Codepen ๐Ÿ”—

This is very similar to Word's styles!


Litmus tests

  • Screen reader tests are considered "litmus tests" in the development of accessible user interfaces
  • "If you say that something is a litmus test of something, you mean that it is an effective and definite way of proving it or measuring it." (


  • If a website can be read and operated by a screen reader, it can be considered pretty accessible (regarding non-visual aspects)
    • โ€‹Use them to validate the a11y level of your website!

BUTย keep in mind that for other form of disability other requirements must be respected (e.g captions for videos)

NVDA (desktop SR)

  • Most used screen reader: NVDA (Non-Visual
    Desktop Access)
  • Native Windows application
  • Open Source: ๐Ÿ”—
    • Free to use
    • Friendly & Responsive community
  • Especially suited for testing of websites
    • Adheres to standards
    • Non-intrusive and fast
    • Visual cursor & Speech Viewer!

Mobile screen readers

  • VoiceOver (iOS)/TalkBack (Android)
  • Integrated by default (wide distribution)
  • Good accessibility support
  • Much simpler to use than desktop

3 commandments

of screen readers

I: Reveal the Meaning

Screen readers read and convey semantic information only.

<a href="...">Click me!</a>
<p>Some text here.</p>
<h2>A second level heading</h2>
<input type="text">

<!-- ?? -->
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'">
  Click me!

They are not interested in visual stylings.

.heading {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 28px; }

.link {
  text-decoration: underline; }

To be conveyed through audio, an element's meaning must be obvious.

II: Instruct the ways of Interaction

If an element is interactive, it must be obvious how to interact with it.

Traditional HTML is self-explanatory.

Custom solutions need manual explaining.

<label for="hobby">
  Favourite Hobby

<select id="hobby">
  <!-- List of <option>
       elements -->
<!-- A JavaScript autocomplete -->
<label for="hobby">Favourite Hobby</label>
<input id="hobby" aria-describedby="description">

<!-- Custom list of suggestions -->

<p id="description">
  This is an autocomplete. Enter characters
  to display suggestions, then select one.

III: Feedback needs to be Concise!

If an element is interacted with, it must provide clear and immediate information on what's the resultย of the interaction.

<!-- A JavaScript autocomplete -->
<label for="hobby">Favourite Hobby</label>
<input id="hobby" aria-expanded="false">

<!-- List of (initially hidden) suggestions -->

  // On focus, toggle aria-expanded="true"
  // (and show list of suggestions).

5min break

Logo Nothing AG

Nothing AG, Bern

Take it to the test:

a closer look at custom dropdown

Animation of Google autocomplete in action

Google autocomplete

<ul role="listbox">
  <li role="presentation">
    <div role="option">1st option</div>
  <li role="presentation">
    <div role="option">2nd option</div>

Google autocomplete

  • URL: ๐Ÿ”—
  • role attributes
  • Mediocre screen reader accessibility
    • Announces itself as searchable combo box ๐Ÿ‘
    • Does not announce availability of options ๐Ÿ‘Ž
    • Announces selected option ๐Ÿ‘
<ul role="listbox">
  <li role="presentation">
    <div role="option">1st option</div>
  <li role="presentation">
    <div role="option">2nd option</div>
Screenshot of Google's autocomplete

Amazon autocomplete

    <span>1st option</span>
    <span>2nd option</span>
Screenshot of Amazon autocomplete
  • URL: ๐Ÿ”—
  • <div> and <span>
  • Bad screen reader accessibility
    • Announces itself as bare text search ๐Ÿ‘Ž
    • Does not announce availability of options ๐Ÿ‘Ž
    • Announces selected option ๐Ÿ‘

Interim conclusion

  • Both need a dropdown
  • Dropdown needs fancy styling
    • <select> not an option
  • Google uses ARIA
  • Amazon uses <div> and <span>
  • Lots of JavaScript, mediocre to bad accessibility
  • Couldn't this be done better?

No traditional HTML element available...?


  • A <select> offers predefined list of options
  • One of which can be chosen
  • What other HTML element allows for this?

Come on!

Radio buttons!

  • 100% customisable
    • <label> elements can be styled
    • <input> can be visually hidden (moved off-screen)
  • No JavaScript needed
  • 100% accessible
Radio buttons

A listbox

of radio buttons!

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.

A11y Dev Guide (ADG)

Logo Nothing AG
Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.
Screenshot of Accessibility Developer Guide

ADG autosuggest

<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="dancing">
<label for="dancing">Dancing</label>

<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="gardening">
<label for="gardening">Gardening</label>

ADG autosuggest

  • ADG URL: examples/widgets/autosuggest/ ๐Ÿ”—
  • Radio buttons
  • Very good screen reader accessibility
    • Announces itself appropriately ๐Ÿ‘
    • Announces availability of options ๐Ÿ‘
    • Announces selected option + total of options ๐Ÿ‘
<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="dancing">
<label for="dancing">Dancing</label>

<input type="radio" name="hobbies" id="gardening">
<label for="gardening">Gardening</label>

Only tiny bit of JavaScript!

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.


  • Very accessible
  • ~60 lines of CSS
  • ~230 lines of JavaScript
    • Including filter functionality
Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.

Unexpected usages of form controls

Logo Accessibility Developer Guide AD G* Created with Sketch.
Screenshot of Accessibility Developer Guide

Let's recap

Form controls are powerful

  • They can handle many simple usage patterns
    • They handle much more than basic user input
    • Can be combined for complex ones
  • They are:
    • Simple and compatible
    • Robust and performant
    • Innately accessible
  • They can be styled as wished

What do you trust?

<a href="โ€ฆ">
  Click me!
<span onclick="location.href='โ€ฆ'"
  Click me!

Remember next time

When you're tempted to glue together some random <div> / <span> elements with JavaScript handlers

We are keen to support you!

  • Design reviews
  • Semantic HTML prototyping
  • Visual and functional prototyping
  • Review & optimise existing project
  • Presentations and workshops



Portrait of Josua Muheim

Book a virtual coffee ย ๐Ÿ”— โ˜•ย 

Thank you!

Logo Nothing AG
Portrait of Josua Muheim

Nothing AG, Bern

Women++ A11y workshop 08.09.21

By Nothing

Women++ A11y workshop 08.09.21

  • 155