Data types And Variables

Data types in java

  • Primitive type
  • Class type

Primitive Data Types in Java

  • Integer
    • byte
    • short
    • int
    • long
    • char
  • Floating-point
    • float
    • double
  • Boolean

Class Data Types in Java

  • String
  • Array
  • Scanner
  • Applet
  • etc

Variables in java

  • Variabel adalah item yang digunakan data untuk menyimpan pernyataan objek
  • Variabel memiliki tipe data, nama dan nilai
  • Nama variable tidak dapat diubah, namun nilai dari suatu variable dapat berubah kecuali variabel bertipe final
    // <tipe_data> <nama_variable> = <nilai>;

    int exampleInt;     // deklarasi variabel exampleInt
    exampleInt = 10;    // inisialisai variabel exampleInt

    int anotherInt = 5; // deklarasi dan inisialisasi
    anotherInt = anotherInt + exampleInt;

    final int NUMBER = 7;
    NUMBER = 10;     // error: cannot assign a value to final variable NUMBER
public class DataTypes {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        byte myByte = 96;
        byte highByte = Byte.MAX_VALUE;     // highByte == 127
        byte lowByte = Byte.MIN_VALUE;     // lowByte == -128

        short myShort = 987;
        short highShort = Short.MAX_VALUE;     // highShort == 32767
        short lowShort = Short.MIN_VALUE;     // lowShort == -32768

        int myInt = 284;
        int highInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;     // highInt == 2147483647
        int lowInt = Integer.MIN_VALUE;     // lowInt == -2147483648
        long mylong = 549755813888L;
        long highLong = Long.MAX_VALUE;     // highLong == 9223372036854775807L
        long lowLong = Long.MIN_VALUE;     // lowLong == -9223372036854775808

        char myChar = 'u';
        char myChar2 = 65;     // myChar2 == 'A'
        char newline = '\n';
        float myFloat = 92.7f;     // with 'f' after digits = float
        float positiveFloat = 89.3f;     // it can be positive,
        float negativeFloat = -89.3f;     // or negative

        double myDouble = 974.21;    // without 'f' after digits = double
        double anotherDouble = 658.7;

        boolean foo = true;
        boolean bar = false;
        boolean notFoo = !foo;    // notFoo == false
        boolean fooAndBar = foo && bar;    // fooAndBar == false
        boolean fooOrBar = foo || bar;    // fooOrBar == true

Casting Data types

Casting adalah perubahan tipe data ke tipe data lainnya.

Di java terdapat 2 jenis casting, yaitu:

  • Implicit casting
  • Explicit casting

Implicit casting

implicit casting dapat mengkonversikan tipe data secara otomatis jika kedua tipe data memiliki kesamaan dan target tipe data yang diubah lebih besar dari tipe data sebelumnya

//Implicit casting
byte byteVar = 42;
short shortVar = byteVar;
int intVar = shortVar;
long longVar = intvar;
float floatVar = longVar;
double doubleVar = floatVar;

short shortVar2 = 45;
byte byteVar2 = shortVar2;    // error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion 
                              // from short to byte







Explicit casting

explicit casting dilakukan ketika target tipe data yang ingin diubah lebih kecil dari tipe data sebelumnya

//Explicit casting
double doubleVar = 42.0d;
float floatVar = (float) doubleVar;
long longVar = (long) floatVar;
int intVar = (int) longVar;
short shortVar = (short) intVar;
byte byteVar = (byte) shortVar;

byte byteVar2 = 42;
short shortVar2 = short (byteVar2);








Assignment Operator

public class AssignmentDemo {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int cadence = 0;
        int speed = 0;
        int gear = 1;

Arithmetic Operators

public class ArithmeticDemo {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int result = 1 + 2;
        System.out.println("1 + 2 = " + result);
        int original_result = result;

        result = result - 1;
        System.out.println(original_result + " - 1 = " + result);
        original_result = result;

        result = result * 2;
        System.out.println(original_result + " * 2 = " + result);
        original_result = result;

        result = result + 8;
        System.out.println(original_result + " + 8 = " + result);
        original_result = result;

        result = result / 2;
        System.out.println(original_result + " / 2 = " + result);
        original_result = result;

        result = result % 7;
        System.out.println(original_result + " % 7 = " + result);

Unary Operators

class UnaryDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int result = +1;



        result = -result;

        boolean success = false;

Relational Operators

==      equal to
!=      not equal to
>       greater than
>=      greater than or equal to
<       less than
<=      less than or equal to

Conditional Operators

&&      Conditional-AND
||      Conditional-OR
?:      Ternary (shorthand for 
        if-then-else statement)

Exercise (1)

Hitunglah luas segita jika diketahui alas = 5 dan tinggi = 7

L = alas * tinggi / 2

Exercise (2)

Create a variable called bill and assign it the result of 10.25 + 3.99 + 7.15 (don't perform the calculation yourself, let Java do it!). Next, create a variable called tip and assign it the result of multiplying bill by a 15% tip rate. Finally, add the bill and tip together and store it into a variable called total

Exercise (3)

Use this equation and the variables fahrenheit and celcius to print the Fahrenheit equivalent of 12°C

F = C * 1.8 + 32

Exercise (4)

public class Exercise4 {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int i = 10;
        int n = i++ % 5;

        System.out.println("i = " + i);
        System.out.println("n = " + n);


Exercise (1)

public class Exercise1 {

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    int alas = 5;
    int tinggi = 7;

    float luas = (float) alas * tinggi / 2;
    System.out.println("Luas segitiga adalah" + luas);


Exercise (2)

public class Exercise2 {

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    float bill = 10.25 + 3.99 + 7.15;
    float tip = bill * 15 / 100;
    float total = bill + tip;

    System.out.println("Total harga" + total);


Exercise (3)

public class Exercise3 {

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    float celcius = 12;
    float fahrenheit = celcius * 1.8 + 32;

    System.out.println(celcius + " celcius = " + fahrenheit + " fahrenheit");


Exercise (4)

public class Exercise4 {
  public static void main (String[] args) {
    int i = 10;
    int n = i++ % 5;

    System.out.println("i = " + i); //i = 11
    System.out.println("n = " + n); //n = 0


By Nur Ratna Sari