Fabric: python library for devops tasks
Petr Nuzhnov, Five9
Why we need common system configuration managment (devops) tools?
stage #1 "God Mode"
stage #2 "Hell's tooling"
stage #3 'LITTLE CRASH'
Python library and command-line tool for streamining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks
Jeff Forcier
- paramiko
- pyinvoke
pip install fabric
- ecdsa
- paramiko
- pycrypto
from fabric.api import run
def list_directory():
run('ls -la')
MacBook-Pro-Petr:fabr petrnuzhnov$ fab -H hostname.server.com list_directory -u username -p password
[hostname.server.com] Executing task 'list_directory'
[hostname.server.com] run: ls -la
[hostname.server.com] out: total 483168
[hostname.server.com] out: drwxr-xr-x. 41 username username 4096 Jun 16 07:22 .
[hostname.server.com] out: drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 Dec 18 2014 ..
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw------- 1 username username 50498 Jun 16 10:00 .bash_history
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw-r--r--. 1 username username 18 Oct 16 2014 .bash_logout
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 269 Jul 15 2015 .bash_profile
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 174 Apr 15 2015 .bashrc
[hostname.server.com] out: drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Feb 27 2015 bin
[hostname.server.com] out: drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Oct 5 2015 Builds
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 118135 May 11 03:08 temp.my
[hostname.server.com] out: drwxr-xr-x 3 username username 4096 May 10 03:25 .vim
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw------- 1 username username 13406 Jun 15 13:32 .viminfo
[hostname.server.com] out: -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 90 Oct 29 2014 .vimrc
Main components
- fab - command line utility
- fabfile - file with described tasks
- env - singleton dict subclass, which contains all necessary data: hosts, roles, credentials and other userfull settings
- task - separate execution unit (e.g. function)
fab options and arguments
- -f - execution file
- -H - list of hosts
- first_task second_task - tasks which will be executed one by one
- - u and -p - credentials
task:value passing parameters to your task
fab -f my_task_list.py -H hosts first_task second_task:param1, param2 -u user -p passw
Configuration dict which is shared between tasks
- env.hosts - list of hosts which will be involved
- env.user
- env.password
- env.key_filename - path to ssh private key path
- env.timeout - default timeout
- env.keepalive=1 (default=0)
Hosts definition
env.roledefs['web'] = ['host1', 'host2',..]
env.roledefs['db'] = ['host3', 'host4']
env.roledefs = {'web':{'hosts':['host1', 'host2',..],
'db':{'hosts':['host2', 'host3',...],
env.hosts = ['host1', 'host2', ...]
Simple env wrapper
def task():
with settings(warn_only=True):
#do something dangerous
def task():
with settings(timeout=30):
sudo('service mysqld restart')
def task():
with settings(sudo_user=petrnuzhnov):
run('cat ~/my_personal_file.txt')
Tasks defenition
# fabfile.py
def task1():
"""Task1 docstring"""
def task2():
"""Task2 docstring"""
def task_combined():
"""Task_combined docstring"""
def _not_a_task()
print "I'm not a task function"
fab --list
Available commands:
task1 Task1 docstring
task2 Task2 docstring
combined_task Task_combined docstring
Task definition #2
# fabfile.py
from fabric.api import task, roles, run, env
def stop_web():
sudo('service nginx stop')
def stop_db():
sudo('service mysqld stop')
def stop_all():
def not_a_task()
print "I'm not a task function"
fab --list
Available commands:
BUILT-In Operations
- run
- local
- open_shell
- require
- reboot
- prompt
- sudo
- cd
- lcd
- get
- put
Execution (parallel and serial) on hosts
fab -H host1, host2, host3, host4, host5 parallel_task serial_task
def parallel_task():
# task will be started on hosts in parallel
def serial_task():
# will be in serial
fab -H host1, host2, host3, host4, host5 -P -z 5 parallel_task serial_task
# fabfile.py
def parallel_task():
# task will be started on hosts in parallel
def serial_task():
# will be in serial
- python-user-friendly
- no client side
- flexible
- easy to understand what is going on by reading of script
- python 2.x
- no parallel tasks under windows
not a silver bullet
Thank you!
Questions ?
fabric: python library for devops tasks
By Nuzhnov Petr
fabric: python library for devops tasks
Presentation for NN python meetup rannts#11
- 1,098