8 New Diseases That Are Coming to Wipe Us Out

Antibiotic Resistant E-Coli

Asian Longhorn Tick Disease

Climate change and land development

8 New Diseases That Are Coming to Wipe Us Out

Ancient Viruses from Arctic Permafrost

V.R. Gaming Addiction

Special environments such as deep ocean sediments and permafrost are very good preservers of microbes and viruses because they are cold, anoxic, and in the dark

heavy gaming to mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression.

8 New Diseases That Are Coming to Wipe Us Out

A New Mosquito-Borne Virus

Diseases Tied to Nanoparticle-Induced Immune System Toxicity

Climate change and shifting weather patterns — warm fronts and excessive rain in places that used to be mild and relatively arid — and how these factors could lead to mosquitos migrating to new areas.

Nanoparticles can interact with various components of the immune system and either enhance or inhibit its function

8 New Diseases That Are Coming to Wipe Us Out

Technology-Induced Dysphoria

New, Uncontained Types of Influenza

It’s possible that, as a result of public mistrust and internet-propagated rumors, a new and deadly form of influenza will emerge and outpace containment efforts.


By nychi713


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