OR: HOW I Learned to stop worrying and love scm

Best practice Branching model

  • Use master for production-ready code
  • Merging in master is called release
  • Use develop for development of next release
  • Run nightly builds on develop

Main branches

Feature Branch

Development of a single feature

  • Branched off develop
  • Merged in develop

    Feature branch

    Release Branch

    Support finishing of a release (bugfixing!)

    • Branched off develop
    • Merged in develop (=give back the bugfixes)
    • Merged in master (=Release)

    Release Branch

    Hotfix branch

    Used to fix an urgent problem on production

    • Branched off master (release tag)
    • Merged back in develop and master

    Hotfix branch

    Initialize a GIT REPO

    $ git init
    # create files etc.$ git add .$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
    # do something$ git add .$ git commit -m "Something changed"
    # fix some typo in README$ git add README$ git commit -m "Fixed typo"

    Single Branch

    Create another branch

    $ git checkout -b develop

    Create commit on branch

    $ git commit -m "Implementation of XY" 

    Fast-forward "master"

    $ git checkout master$ git merge develop

    Diverging branches (Merge)

    Merge diverging branches

    $ git checkout develop$ git merge feature-X$ git branch -d feature-X

    "I Don't know what I'm Doing" merge

    $ git merge develop$ git checkout develop$ git merge feature-X

    Diverging branches (Rebase)

    Rebase diverging branches

    $ git checkout feature-X$ git rebase develop

    After rebase => Fast-forward

    $ git checkout develop$ git merge feature-X # fast-forward!

    AFTER REBASE => Merge

    $ git checkout develop$ git merge --no-ff feature-X$ git branch -d feature-X

    Rules of thumb

    1. Discuss for each project how to tell your story
    2. Use rebase locally to pimp your history
    3. Use merge to preserve your feature branches
    4. Use tags if you release
    5. Don't get confused by remote branches




    Git or: How I learned stop worrying and love SCM

    By odi

    Git or: How I learned stop worrying and love SCM

    Presentation about branching models and the why it is important to know about merging and rebasing to tell the story of your project the way you want.

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