Oleh Rovenskyi



How jQuery Connect

<script type="text/javascript"
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
    // Your code goes here.
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"

jQuery the Basics


jQuery 1.11 and jQuery 2.1Released

How use jQuery

Launching Code on Document Ready

Native JavaScript

window.onload = function() {
    alert( "welcome" );


$( document ).ready(function() {
    // Your code here.
$() — synonym for jQuery() 
$(function() {
    // Your code here.

Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries

Putting jQuery Into No-Conflict Mode

When you put jQuery into no-conflict mode, you have the option of assigning a new variable name to replace the $ alias.

    (function($) {
        $(function() {

Use anonymous function

<script src="prototype.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    $j(document).ready(function() {
        $j( "div" ).hide();
    window.onload = function() {
        var mainDiv = $( "main" );

Selecting Elements

$("#content")                  // select elements with id=content
$("div#content")               // select div with id=content
$(".wrapper")                  // select elements with class=wrapper
$("div.wrapper")               // select div with class=wrapper
$(".wrapper.box")              // select elements with class=wrapper and box
$("h2")                        // select all tags h2
$("h1, h2")                    // select all h1 and h2
$("input[name='first_name']"); // Selecting all input elements by Attribute
$("[name='first_name']");      // Selecting all elements by Attribute


$("#myForm :input");     // Select all input-like elements in a form.
$("div:animated");       // All currently animated divs.
$("h1 + p")
$("#stick ~ article")
$("div article h2") vs $("article").find("h2") 


Searching the DOM 

<h1>Where do you want to go?</h1>
  <h2>Travel Destinations</h2>
  <p>Plan your next adventure.</p>
  <ul id="destinations">
    <li class='promo'>Rio</li>

Using the descendant selector 


Selecting direct children 

<h1>Where do you want to go?</h1>
<h2>Travel Destinations</h2>
<p>Plan your next adventure.</p>
<ul id="destinations">
    <ul id="france">
  <li class='promo'>Rio</li>

Searching the DOM 


Selecting only direct children 

<h1>Where do you want to go?</h1>
<h2>Travel Destinations</h2>
<p>Plan your next adventure.</p>
<ul id="destinations">
    <ul id="france">
  <li class='promo'>Rio</li>

Searching the DOM 

Selecting multiple elements 

<h1>Where do you want to go?</h1>
<h2>Travel Destinations</h2>
<p>Plan your next adventure.</p>
<ul id="destinations">
      <ul id="france">
    <li class='promo'>Rio</li>

Searching the DOM 


Filtering by traversing  

It takes a bit more code, but it’s faster. 


Filtering by traversing  




Walking up the DOM 




Walking the DOM up and down 


children(), unlike find(), only selects direct children 



<div class="grandparent">
    <div class="parent">
        <div class="child">
            <span class="subchild"></span>
    <div class="surrogateParent1"></div>
    <div class="surrogateParent2"></div>
// returns [ div.child ]
$( "span.subchild" ).parent();
// Selecting all the parents of an element that match a given selector:
// returns [ div.parent ]
$( "span.subchild" ).parents( "div.parent" );
// returns [ div.child, div.parent, div.grandparent ]
$( "span.subchild" ).parents();
// Selecting all the parents of an element up to, but *not including* the selector:
// returns [ div.child, div.parent ]
$( "span.subchild" ).parentsUntil( "div.grandparent" );
// Selecting the closest parent, note that only one parent will be selected
// and that the initial element itself is included in the search:
// returns [ div.child ]
$( "span.subchild" ).closest( "div" );
// returns [ div.child ] as the selector is also included in the search:
$( "div.child" ).closest( "div" );


The .attr() method

.attr() as a setter:

$( "a" ).attr( "key", "value" );
$( "a" ).attr({
    title: "all titles are the same too!",
    href: "somethingNew.html"

.attr() as a getter:

$( "a" ).attr( "href" );

Working with Selections

Getters & Setters

// The .html() method sets all the h1 elements' html to be "hello world"
$( "h1" ).html( "hello world" )
// The .html() method returns the html of the first h1 element
$( "h1" ).html();
// > "hello world"




$( "#content" )
    .find( "h3" )
    .eq( 2 )
    .html( "new text for the third h3!" );

jQuery also provides the .end() method to get back to the original selection should you change the selection in the middle of a chain:

$( "#content" )
    .find( "h3" )
    .eq( 2 )
        .html( "new text for the third h3!" )
        .end() // Restores the selection to all h3s in #content
    .eq( 0 )
        .html( "new text for the first h3!" );

Manipulating Elements


.html()     // Get or set the HTML contents.
.text()     // Get or set the text contents; HTML will be stripped.
.attr()     // Get or set the value of the provided attribute.
.width()    // Get or set the width in pixels of the first element 
               in the selection as an integer.
.height()   // Get or set the height in pixels of the first element 
               in the selection as an integer.
.position() // Get an object with position information for the first 
               element in the selection, relative to its
               first positioned ancestor. This is a getter only.
.val()      // Get or set the value of form elements.


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>
$( "<p>Test</p>" ).insertAfter( ".inner" );
<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>
$( ".inner" ).after( "<p>Test</p>" );
<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>

Creating New Elements

// Getting a new element on to the page.
var myNewElement = $( "<p>New element</p>" );
myNewElement.appendTo( "#content" );
// Creating and adding an element to the page at the same time.
$( "ul" ).append( "<li>list item</li>" );


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">Hello</div>
  <div class="inner">Goodbye</div>
$( ".inner" ).append( "<p>Test</p>" );
<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">
  <div class="inner">


Moving Elements

// Changing the HTML of an element.
$( "#myDiv" ).html( "New <strong>first</strong> paragraph!" );
// Moving elements using different approaches.
// Make the first list item the last list item:
var li = $( "#myList li:first" ).appendTo( "#myList" );
// Another approach to the same problem:
$( "#myList" ).append( $( "#myList li:first" ) );
<div class="container">
  <div class="hello">Hello</div>
  <div class="goodbye">Goodbye</div>
$( ".hello" ).remove();
<div class="container">
  <div class="goodbye">Goodbye</div>

Removing elements

CSS, Styling, & Dimensions

// Setting CSS properties.
$( "h1" ).css( "fontSize", "100px" ); // Setting an individual property.
// Setting multiple properties.
$( "h1" ).css({
    fontSize: "100px",
    color: "red"

Using CSS Classes for Styling

// Working with classes.
var h1 = $( "h1" );
h1.addClass( "big" );
h1.removeClass( "big" );
h1.toggleClass( "big" );
if ( h1.hasClass( "big" ) ) {

CSS, Styling, & Dimensions


// Basic dimensions methods.
// Sets the width of all <h1> elements.
$( "h1" ).width( "50px" );
// Gets the width of the first <h1> element.
$( "h1" ).width();
// Sets the height of all <h1> elements.
$( "h1" ).height( "50px" );
// Gets the height of the first <h1> element.
$( "h1" ).height();
// Returns an object containing position information for
// the first <h1> relative to its "offset (positioned) parent".
$( "h1" ).position();

Data Methods

// Storing and retrieving data related to an element.
$( "#myDiv" ).data( "keyName", { foo: "bar" } );
$( "#myDiv" ).data( "keyName" ); // Returns { foo: "bar" }

Utility Methods


$.each([ "foo", "bar", "baz" ], function( index, value ) {
    console.log( "element " + index + " is " + value );


var myArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ];

if ( $.inArray( 3, myArray ) !== -1 ) {
    console.log( "found it!" );


var firstObject = { foo: "bar", a: "b" };
var secondObject = { foo: "baz" };
var newObject = $.extend( firstObject, secondObject );
console.log( firstObject.foo );   // "baz"
console.log( newObject.foo );     // "baz"
console.log( newObject.foo );     // {foo: "baz", a: "b"}

Utility Methods

Testing Type

$.isArray([]); // true
$.isFunction(function() {}); // true
$.isNumeric(3.14); // true
$.type( true );                 // "boolean"
$.type( 3 );                    // "number"
$.type( "test" );               // "string"
$.type( function() {} );        // "function"
$.type( new Boolean() );        // "boolean"
$.type( new Number(3) );        // "number"
$.type( new String('test') );   // "string"
$.type( new Function() );       // "function"
$.type( [] );                   // "array"
$.type( null );                 // "null"
$.type( /test/ );               // "regexp"
$.type( new Date() );           // "date"

Using jQuery’s .index() Function

    <div class="test"></div>
    <li id="foo1">foo</li>
    <li id="bar1" class="test">bar</li>
    <li id="baz1">baz</li>
    <div class="test"></div>
<div id="last"></div>

.index() with a jQuery Object Argument

var foo = $( "li" );
var baz = $( "#baz1" );
console.log( "Index: " + foo.index( baz ) ); // 2
var tests = $( ".test" );
var bar = $( "#bar1" );
// Implicitly calls .first() on the argument.
console.log( "Index: " + tests.index( bar ) ); // 1
console.log( "Index: " + tests.index( bar.first() ) ); // 1



Home Work

Home Work

1 Сверстать форму согласно дизайна
2 Вывести данные полученный по api (/api/products) или с json файла
3 Вывести ошибку если запрос fail ("Services unavailable")
4 Удаление продуката при клике на "x".
    - При клике на "x" вывести popup с подверждением удаления
5 При апдейте pQuantity должна менятся Total цена
6 Валидация
6.1 При update QTY валидируем данный продукт
6.2 При buy валидируем наличия товара с сервера.
6.3 Валидация на целые чисел для QTY
6.4 Максимальное QTY для каждого товара которое можем купить:
    - Если Sum = Stock + Sklad >= 99 То можем купить максимум 99.
    - Если Sum = Stock + Sklad <= 99 То можем купить значение равное Sum
    - Если флаг isInStoreOnly = true То можем купить товар только с магазина
    - Если Stock + Sklad = 0 то вывод соответсвующего сообщения
6.5 Вывод ошибок:
    "Services unavailable"
    "The product out of stock" если продукт отсутствует на магазине и складе
    "Sorry, the maximum quantity you can order is 'n'". где 'n' - количество items
7 При успешной покупке вывести сообщение что продукты куплены

download project https://github.com/RovenskyOleg/jQueryTask

2 download https://nodejs.org/en/ 4 version and install

3 go to project folder (D:\jqueryTask>)

4 in console run command
"npm install" (if use ubuntu or mac "sudo npm install")

5 run server in the project directory
"node server.js"

6 go to http://localhost:8080/

Start work

Basic jQuery Core

By Oleg Rovenskyi

Basic jQuery Core

jQuery Core

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