The How of Houdini
Houdini is called "the future of CSS" but how does it work? How will it change UI programming? How does it bring CSS and JS together again? How can I use it today?
When Houdini met Goldblum
A practical talk about learning Houdini: what it is, how it solved a problem I had, useful resources, the current landscape and thoughts about where we'll be soon. Delivered at CSS Camp 2019
Passing the Tech Test
Weird CSS
A talk I may still give one day... CSS might have a reputation for being (ahem) "idiosyncratic" but if you squint a little bit it all makes sense.
The More You Give
A talk given at Formidable London's first birthday party on practical steps companies can take to contribute to greater diversity in our industry and how the resulting talent benefits us all.
TM 2017
Presentation to MancReact May 2017
A breakdown of the various tools and techniques we can use to slim down our payloads and keep our users (and Alex Russell) happy.
Taming the Maelstrom
Advice to newcomers on how to cope with continual upheaval in web development, featuring a brief history of how we got here, why change a good thing, and techniques they can adopt to stay current without losing sleep.
How to be Fast
A holistic view - from assets to infrastructure - of performance for PWAs A presentation for Code First: Girls given at Ticketmaster in 2016
What these do? Tooling for beginners
A lightning talk on tooling for beginners given at Twitter
How to get a job (that you love)
Advice for a new generation