Webpack & Babel & ES6 & CSS & PostCSS & NPM & Grunt & Gulp &...

Oh my!

A Tooling Explainer


Tool Categories

Task Runners


Module Bundlers

All I wanted to do was build a web page... :(

These tools give you superpowers

Package Managers

Package Managers

Package Managers

Task Runners

Task Runners




Turn one thing into another thing

that the browser can understand

Module Bundlers

Module Bundlers

Manage your dependencies: no more endless <script> tags

Include other filetypes locally

babel src/index.js --out-file dist/compiled.js
node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss
postcss --use autoprefixer *.css -d build/
grunt dev:watch
npm start


But wait... there's more!

Go for it

What these do? Tooling for beginners

By Oliver Turner

What these do? Tooling for beginners

A lightning talk on tooling for beginners given at Twitter

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