Bheem OS

A Zero Trust Operating System


Eveything is VM... Everything is cool...

Subash SN

  • Developed DVNA
  • Trainer/Speaker at BlackHat USA, c0c0n, BSides ...
  • Worked on Cloud security, DevOps, Secure design ...
  • Self-hosting for the last 6+ years
  • Researching on privacy and security and freedom
  • Founded Openw3b Foundation
  • Say hello at



  • Subjective opinions ahead
  • Still under development
  • Live Github release :)





Let's explore!

What's an
Operating System?

What is an OS? [Subjective]

A piece of software that allows a user to operate on a hardware and run additional software

We'll revisit this!


But why is it so hard to

Designed to trust!

User & Applications

Because it's

also drivers, hardware, ...

But how not to trust?

Zero trust can be applied in an OS?

Apps in a VM

Isolate apps from everything else!

Demo 1

Firefox running in crosvm

Usability of crosvm

1. Resize freely

2. Clipboard access

3. Built using Rust

4. Audio server issues

5. Mouse issues

Demo 2

Performance & Usability



1. Identical CPU performance achievable

2. RAM Usage (memory ballooning)

3. GPU performance (virtio-gpu)

4. Faster load times with save, resume

Demo 3

Opening a video file

Filesystem access

1. File shared via virtio-fs

2. Seamless video playback

3. Drag & drop

Demo 4

Other Apps - Zoom

Device passthrough

1. USB Passthrough (Webcam too)

2. Mic passthrough

3. PCI Passthrough

Better way to do this is using Pipewire



Does it work

Dockerfile for apps

FROM ubuntu

# GUI Environment and basics
RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y dhcpcd5 util-linux systemd systemd-sysv xorg i3-wm xterm sudo xss-lock ethtool pciutils nano net-tools inetutils-ping iproute2
RUN systemctl disable gdm dhcpcd
COPY files/init /init
RUN chmod +x /init
RUN useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/user/ -m -G sudo user
RUN chown -R user:user /home/user

# Install the package and configure launch command
ARG PACKAGES='firefox'
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y $PACKAGES

# Autologin tty0 with user 
RUN mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
COPY files/override.conf /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf

# Configure i3wm
COPY files/.xinitrc /home/user/.xinitrc
COPY files/config /etc/i3/config
COPY files/.bash_profile /home/user/.bash_profile

# Add command to script and autorun
RUN echo $COMMAND > /opt/
RUN chmod +x /opt/
RUN echo 'exec --no-startup-id /opt/' >> /etc/i3/config

Dockerfile to disk image

#! /bin/bash

sudo rm fs/fs.tar fs/fs.qcow2
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --output "type=tar,dest=fs/fs.tar" .
sudo virt-make-fs --format=qcow2 --size=+500M fs/fs.tar fs/fs.qcow2
sudo chown user:user fs/fs.qcow2

Start the VM

#! /bin/bash
# Start Firefox using crosvm -

crosvm run -c 8 -m 4096 --disable-sandbox \
  --gpu backend=virglrenderer,height=1080,width=1920 \
  --tap-name tap_appvm1_in \
  --rwroot fs/fs.qcow2 \
  --display-window-keyboard \
  --display-window-mouse \
  -p 'init=/init net.ifnames=0 ip=' \
  --socket vm.sock \
  --vhost-net \

*We actually start crosvm using a management wrapper

Start the VM (QEMU)

#! /bin/bash
# Start Firefox using qemu -

qemu-system-x86_64 -machine vmport=off \
   -enable-kvm -cpu host -m 2048m -smp 8 \
   -kernel bzImage \
   -append "root=/dev/vda rw init=/init" \
   -drive id=root,file=/mnt/ramdisk/fs.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=none \
   -device virtio-rng-pci \
   -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=root \
   -nic user,model=virtio \
   -vga virtio \
   -soundhw hda \
   -device virtio-tablet-pci,id=input2,bus=pci.0,addr=0x9 -spice port=0,disable-ticketing,image-compression=off,seamless-migration=on \
   -spice gl=on,unix,addr=vm.sock,disable-ticketing  \
   -device virtio-serial -chardev spicevmc,id=vdagent,debug=0,name=vdagent \
   -device virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,name=com.redhat.spice.0 \
   -monitor unix:monitor.sock,server,nowait \
   & remote-viewer spice+unix://vm.sock


What about

  • Firefox, Chrome sanboxing
  • Upto the application developer to build support
  • Could have bugs

Inbuilt sandbox

  • Upto the user to use
  • Bugs: Privilege escalation still possible

Firejail, Bubblewrap

Flatpacks, Snap and AppImage

  • User friendly, default in some OS
  • Previous Limitations still apply

x11docker & crostini

  • Can run in VMs
  • Uses wayland/X in the host
  • DRM: Wayland server, Driver could be buggy
  • virtio-gpu vs virtio-wl

Is kvm the best then?

Bugs still possible, but attack surface is lesser

  • Limited to KVM
  • Crosvm/QEMU source code
  • Virtio drivers
  • Guest agent

Qubes OS?

Isn't this like

Hardware Containers

Device - DEVVM

- Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth


Networking - NETVM (Chainable)

- VPN, Tor, Host, stacking

- Firewall/IPS/IDS


Audio + Mic + Webcam - AVVM (Pipewire)

- Access log

Key differences

  • XEN vs Linux/KVM base
  • Slow vs Accelerated graphics with virtio-gpu, vulkan, etc.
  • Aimed at Experts, lots of controls vs Normal users
  • Mature and tested vs New

One app per VM

vs VM for multiple apps

All apps have access to the files in VM

Exploited app -> Full VM burn

Cross-Platform support


  • Android via tool/waydroid
  • Windows via wine
  • Mac via Darling



Immutable filesystem


Exploits can't persist

  • Nix store for immutable apps
  • NixOS base for declarative OS

Declarative permissions


  • App permissions declared at virtualization stack
  • Permissions
    • Filesystem
    • Clipboard
    • A/V
    • USB
    • CPU, Memory
    • GPU
    • ...


  • Personal, Dev, Work, Banking workspace
  • Workspace runs on host, apps run in VMs
  • More of a Logical separation
  • Immutable and declarative
  • Install apps, access files, network as authz
  • Full desktop enviroment
  • Can also be a VM
  • Gaming workspace (via GPU pass-through)

Remote rendering


Since everything runs in VMs, it can technically run anywhere

  • Secure computing
  • Accelerated computing
  • Thin client

Enterprise lockdowns


  • Local Network IDS/IPS
  • Application + Files + Network rules
  • Backup & Update management
  • Authentication Revocation

Seamless updates


  • Update base OS by hibernating apps. No loss
  • Staggered updates and rollbacks



Powerful monitoring


  • Filesystem access
  • Network access
  • Memory
  • Heuristics monitoring



Everything happens in VM, bridged by middlewares. Easy to moniter

Seamless backups


  • OS Configuration
  • Application data
  • User data
  • Live migrate between systems


Admin vs User


Admin user

  • OS Installation
  • Workspace management
    • Allowed files
    • Allowed apps
    • Allowed networks
    • Allowed devices
  • Monitoring
  • Remote management (any)

Standard user

  • Install and use apps
  • Updates & Backups
  • Encrypted workspaces
  • Everything authz by admin

How can I use it now?

# Install vmpack
cd ~/
git clone .vmpack
ln -s ~/.vmpack/vmpack ~/.local/bin/vmpack

# Install Firefox
vmpack install firefox Fox1

Prerequisite: git docker libguestfs-tools socat virt-manager


Demo 6



  • Any base distro
  • Immutable base images
  • Hardening
  • Multiple app instances
  • Super easy to create new apps
  • Custom icon
  • Custom kernel
  • Custom qemu/crosvm options

Demo 7


No shell, nc, python ...

AppVM doesn't have one!

Reduced attack surface

How is it more useful?

  • Protection against priv-esc and other zero days
  • Much lower attack surface than any other sandboxing

Next steps

1. Reduce the size -  slim and harden

2. App directory mounts. Fully immutable

3. Use nix

4. Privacy toggles and indicators

5. Compatibility with other Distros/Mac

6. Notifications, Applets

7. Improved window management


Contribute at

Git release!

What did we see so far?

  1. Zero trust : Don't trust users & applications
  2. Running apps in VMs is feasible and beneficial
  3. A new kind of OS and it's possibilities

What is an ZeroTrust OS? [S]

A piece of software that allows a user to operate on a hardware and run additional software in a secure, defined way even when the user and additional software are not trusted


How does this fit in

Where do you access browse the web?

Openw3b Ecosystem

DesktopOS - An easy, powerful and secure desktop OS

MobileOS - An easy, powerful and secure mobile OS

Box - A affordable, reliable and simple self-hosting

Apps & Services - Self hosted Cloud(services)

Assistant - Self hosted and private voice assistant

This is Web3?


  • Free

  • Open source

  • Self hosted

  • Federated

  • Friendly

Tech ecosystem

Please contribute?




Support FOSS

Spread Love, peace and joy!

Looking for co-founders and full-time volunteers too!


We are a non-profit tech foundation!


  • Qubes OS
  • Spectrum OS
  • x11docker
  • crosvm
  • QEMU
  • All of FOSS
  • Family & Friends
  • Sponsors
  • null, Nullcon and Germany!!!


Thank you!

Bheem OS

By openw3b

Bheem OS

  • 641