More than 15 million people in America are effected by depressive illnesses every year, meaning more and more people around the world, especially in America are drowning in the depths of sorrow every passing second. More people than ever are overwhelmed by what is happening in their lives. For a world of Depressed people, why not bring a little Hope back?

According to the Mayo Clinic, "Sunlight can help boost serotonin levels and improve your mood. Whenever possible, get outside during daylight hours and expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes a day."

When exposed to sunlight, out body produces Serotonin, which is directly tied to how awake and active your brain and body is.

Staying connected to others is vital to fight depression. Being around others can help you feel connected and loved, help you look at the positive, and help you to be in a place of distraction. All of these things can change the way the mind works.

   Depression can be helped through medical means, but Everyday Health, a medical magazine, and many others, suggest that Therapy is still a necessary and vital part of recovery.

Medicine may help change the way the brain works, or functions, but Therapy allows an atmosphere where one can change the way they think along with the medical solutions.

In 2011 Colombia University came out with the first longitudinal study on the tie between depression and Religion. They found that the more religious someone claimed to be, the less likely it was for someone to have depression. More studies on this topic must come forward to shine some light, but for now, Religion is a viable support for overcoming depression.

Dr. Andrew Stoll found from that increasing the health in diet, in his case the Omega 3 fats, there was a 53% decrease in depressive behavior. Other studies have shown that certain foods can help raise the serotonin and other healthy chemicals in the body that can fight Depression.

Debbie A. Lawlor found through an experiment, that Exercise can have the same positive effects as cognitive Therapy. It can decrease stress, help your body release special hormones that manage joy, and help you have time to think. These may seem like simple things, but they can have a powerful impact. A walk a day can keep Depression away.

Certain types of Depression are clinical, meaning it is a part of the brain. In these cases, and in many others, it is important to receive the help that is needed. Doctors can prescribe different types of Medicine to help with depressive disorders. There are not many studies done on this specifically, but Medicine is proven to help.

Depression is said to be the most common disability in the world. More people are effected by it than any other. For such a common thing, it is important that we work together to fight against it, and help others overcome it. Support is a powerful thing.


By orionmax1


There are many things that can help those with depression. Here is where you can find a couple.

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