Common mistakes

First time entrepreneurs

Paolo Mosca

Startup advisor

On-demand CTO

Tech & Business Lover

Serial entrepreneur



only 2 words 

Good Examples

  • Facebook: friends
  • Google: search
  • Amazon: books
  • Dropbox: files
  • Zappos: shoes

Common scenario

  • MBA / Business school
  • Looking for tech co-founder
  • Building a product that nobody wants
  • Running out of money

Lean methodology

  • Assumptions
  • Test
  • Validation
  • Learning
  • Iterating

Magic word: MVP

nobody knows

CTO or External Team?


The investor's trap

  • Making more money from their investment
  • Their goals VS your goals
  • Business viable VS business marketable

Run Forrest, run!

  • Make mistakes
  • Fail fast
  • Learn

The most important asset is TIME

Thank you!


Common mistakes

By Paolo Mosca

Common mistakes

  • 230