The Pixel Pipeline
by Patryk Ziemkowski / Apptension
How is single frame rendered?
"What are the intermediate steps that browser takes to render the webpage I've coded? "
– You
Document Object Model

Parse HTML
CSS Object Model
Parse Stylesheet

DOM + CSSOM = Render Tree

span.first::after {
content: '';
Recalculate Style
Layout (aka Reflow)

<html> <body>
Vector to raster
1. save
2. translate
3. drawRectangle
4. drawRectangle
5. drawRectangle
6. drawText
7. drawText
8. save
9. clipPath
10. drawRoundedRectangle
11. restore
12. drawPath
13. save
14. clipRoundedRectangle
15. drawBitmap
16. restore
17. translate
18. restore

Composite Layers
Pipeline flows

No layout

No layout no paint

CSS Triggers
Forced Synchronous Layout
Example page

Layout thrashing

const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');
const greenBlock = document.querySelectorAll('.block');
for (let p = 0; p < paragraphs.length; p++) {
const blockWidth = greenBlock.offsetWidth;
paragraphs[p].style.width = blockWidth + 'px';

The fix
const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');
const greenBlock = document.querySelectorAll('block');
const blockWidth = greenBlock.offsetWidth;
for (let p = 0; p < paragraphs.length; p++) {
paragraphs[p].style.width = blockWidth + 'px';

Q & A
Related resources:
The Pixel Pipeline - Meet.js Summit 2017
By Patryk Ziemkowski
The Pixel Pipeline - Meet.js Summit 2017
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