AngularJS to Angular(6)

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

  • deprecation problem
  • low maintenance

AngularJS 1.x

  • latest version is 1.7.2;
  • the active development stopped;
  • it entered a 3 year of LTS;
  • on 2021 everything will stop;

AngularJS schedule

  • January 1 — June 30, 2018 AngularJS 1.7 Active Development;
  • July 1, 2018 — June 30, 2021 AngularJS 1.7 LTS Period;

 AngularJS LTS (till 2021)

  • a security flaw is detected in the 1.7.x;


  • one of the major browsers releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working;


  • jQuery library releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working.

Real life scenario

sabewa has a browser update

the application stops working

google announces a fix in 1 month

no solution for that browser version


upgrade to latest Angular 

Angular6 features

  • live support
  • backward compatible
  • other features:
    • PRODUCTIVITY (angular-cli, IDEs, templating)

Why should we start now?



  • our code base is growing;
  • new initiative (bezwaar):
  • to migrate now 30% => 97days

How can we upgrade?

We actually started

(angular guide upgrade)

  • following the style guide (how we write the code)
  • upgraded to 1.7 (latest version of AngularJS 1.x)

Next steps (options)

Migrate all at once


  • support for already released versions
  • benefit right away from Angular6
  • we won't overload the project with two frameworks (see second option)
  • overall it takes the least amount of time


  • blocks business delivery

Enter a hybrid state


  • does not block business delivery
  • support already released versions;
  • we can refactor on the way the old components with 30% time investment;


  • running two frameworks at once;
  • highly dependent on precise planning in order to finish this in time;
  • higher learning curve for new colleagues;

Prerequisites: 3 sprints for 1FE to make both frameworks to run at once;


  • R&O Suite is severely impacted by this deprecated tech;
  • we still need support after 2021;
  • Angular6 boosts our application;


Merci :)

Angular6 update

By Paul Hp

Angular6 update

  • 460