Technical interview

Interview as a process

Structure of an interview

  • Acquaintance & background check
  • Technical part
    • Theoretical questions
    • Coding part
  • Questions to an interviewer

*The given structure could vary among different intervievers

Before the interview

  • Don't be nervous
  • Don't be late
  • Don't try to recall or read anything right before the beginning of an interview
  • If you're at an office, don't hesitate to grab a glass of water or a cup of tea

Interview Structure: Acquaintance

  • Tell us about yourself
    • past experience
      • career background
      • tasks
      • achievements
    • skills (soft, hard)
  • Ask questions about a project
    • technologies used
    • responsibilities
    • growth opportunity

* Ask or give only information that is relevant to a position

Interview Structure: Theoretical part

  • Don't be silent during the interview. Give at least some assumptions while answering
  • It's okay to ask for some time to think about an answer if you barely remember it
  • It's completely okay if you don't know everything that's been asked during an interview
  • Don't hesitate to be honest. Let an interviewer know immediately if you don't know an answer at all

Interview Structure:

Coding part

  • Ask questions to clarify what the goal of a task is, and what result is expected.
  • Don't rush to solve a coding task. Take some time to think
  • Break down a task into steps
  • Show your interviewer how you think while coming up with a solution
  • Use a direct solution if you're not able to come up with an ideal one. Having at least some solution is much better than having nothing
  • If you know how to optimize your solution, show it
  • Don't be afraid to ask if you forgot or didn't get something

Interview Structure:

Questions to an interviewer

  • Prepare your questions in advance
  • Ask anything that bothers you, even if you're afraid to do so

What if you've been rejected

  • This is not the end of life
  • Every interview is a great experience, you'll definitely be better next time
  • You had a great chance to identify technical gaps that could be eliminated by the next interview
  • Maybe an employer has already hired another candidate or simply changed his mind in terms of finding a new employee

Thank you!

Interview Tips

By Pavel Razuvalau

Interview Tips

  • 368