Mmmmm Dog Food: Making your APIs a First Class Citizen

What are JustGiving ?

JG logo here


donations, FRP 2014 (?)

Whole platform vs API shares

numbers traffic, donations FRP creation thru api


traffic taken from 3scale

a brief history of API

The Beggining

some text and stats about beggining of api



eating your own dog food

explain what is "eating your own dog food"

Why it's so important to follow this rule ?

Internal projects that consume

obstacles that we came across 

small and medium charities usually don't have knowledge, resources and money to consume our API 

What we improved

moved out from monolith, and now separate service, daily releases, moved into zendesk (?)

What is next ?

there is plan to decouple websites from services and have 100% public API driven external websites. Split API into two services to have separate read and write


info about myself and jg

Mmmmm Dog Food: Making your APIs a First Class Citizen

By Paweł Sawicz

Mmmmm Dog Food: Making your APIs a First Class Citizen

  • 1,203