One question: What is JavaScript????
Look, you have to understand what is ES2015+
ECMAScript é um conjunto de alterações que guiam o uso do JavaScript.
More info here.
List of some features
# Block scoping
// let
function fn () {
let x = 0
if (true) {
let x = 1
// const
const a = 1
# Backtick strings
const message = `Hello ${name}`
const str = `hello
List of some features
# Promises
// making a promise
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (ok) { resolve(result) }
else { reject(error) }
// using a promise
.then((result) => { ··· })
.catch((error) => { ··· })
// promise with finally
.then((result) => { ··· })
.catch((error) => { ··· })
.finally(() => {
// ...
// async-await
async function run () {
const something = await getSomething()
const somethingElse = await getSomethingElse(something)
return [something, somethingElse]
List of some features
# Spread Operator
// objects
const obj = {
someProp: true
// arrays
const arrs = [
'anything else'
# Rest Parameter
function fun1(...ars) {
List of some features
# Fat Arrows
// without args
someFunction(() => {
// with args
anotherFunction('something', (err, data) => {
// implicit return
numbers.map(n => n * 2)
numbers.map(n => ({
result: n * 2
Horizontata - JS e ES6
By Pedro Mello
Horizontata - JS e ES6
- 172