Speaking English, a few practical tips

A personal history

It's not about:

  • Learning English (vague)
  • Vocabulary (narrow)

Why do we have to draw the distinction?

  • The ultimate goal is to talk with people
  • The primary function of a language is to communicate
  • Clear objective
  • When you know clearly what you want, you can always figure out ways to do it
  • And other things(reading/writing/listening) will follow



Pronunciation workshop

I will never forget this man's name: Paul Gruber

Now we practice!

S11 2:30


Downtown? or


This gets boring after you've followed it through four or five times


Watch TV!!!

Recommended TV shows:

  • Friends
  • The big bang theory
  • Seinfeld
  • Curb your enthusiasm
  • The office
  • Parks and recreation
  • The Daily show
  • The Colbert report
  • Real time with Bill Maher
  • ......

Now we practice!

Tip: when you can not follow, just mumble, don't stop

TBBT 8.20 6:19

Daily show 15.4.8 13:20

Curb 5.10 1:14

The office 1.1 2:26

An example of "other things will follow"

Words via subtitle

To sum it up:

  • Set a clear objective
  • Correct your pronunciation (Paul Gruber)
  • Follow TV shows, don't just watch them, mimic the characters' lines
  • Use "Words via subtitle"
  • Other things will follow

Thank you

English workshop Wuhan 2015.04.14

By Pengfei Cui

English workshop Wuhan 2015.04.14

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