Running CF On LINUX
Pete Freitag, Foundeo Inc.
- Working with CF for 16 years
- 8 years Foundeo Inc.
- Consulting: Server Lockdown, Code Review, Development
- Products: FuseGuard
- Services: HackMyCF
- Husband and father of 3 kids
- Blog:
- Twitter: @pfreitag
- Platform Differences
- Linux Basics
- Installing CF
- Configuring Apache
Platform Differences
- Linux File System is Case Sensitive
- Check your links, images, file operations, etc.
- Use Application.cfc not application.cfc
- Can be the biggest pain point if you were careless about case.
- CF on Windows allows either / or \ to be used in file paths.
- c:\abc/123\ works on Windows
- CF on Linux does not allow \ in paths:
/opt\coldfusion11 does not work on Linux
- Always use a forward slash / because it works on any platform.
PLATFORM Differences
- Fonts available may be different.
- Check usage of fonts in cfimage, cfdocument, etc.
PLATFORM Differences
- Platform specific code will not work
- cfexecute - executables are platform specific
- .NET integration will not work
- C++ CFX tags need to be recompiled
- Java is platform independent.
- URL Rewriting often needs attention.
- You may need to translate your rewrite rules into apache mod_rewrite rules.
Linux Distributions
- Tons of Linux Distributions to choose from, pick a popular one.
- For Servers RedHat Enterprise Linux (or its free counterpart CentOS) is a good choice.
- For Servers & Desktop Ubuntu is also a good choice.
- No GUI Needed
- Everything can be configured through the shell, from the command line.
- No GUI's, wizards are necessary.
- If you want to use a GUI use Windows.
- Takes a little time to get over a small learning curve
- Secure Shell Protocol
- You will use this to connect to and login to the server
- If on a Mac
- Open and type ssh user@hostname
- If on Windows
- You will need to download and install a SSH client, putty is a popular/free one.
- SSH is akin to Remote Desktop on Windows, it is how you will connect and administer the server.
- Similar to Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows
dir some\path -> ls some/path
DOS vs Linux
Linux | DOS | Description |
ls | dir | List Directory |
cd path | cd path | Change Directory |
cat file | type file | Show File |
man cmd | help cmd | Help Manual |
rm file | delete file | Delete file/dir |
cp f1 f2 | copy f1 f2 | Copy file/dir |
mkdir file | mkdir file | Create dir |
mv f1 f2 | move f1 f2 | Move file |
Other Linux Commands you Should Learn
- more: paginates output, typically piped | eg: ls -l | more
- tar: creates or extract archives (typically tar.gz)
- tar -czf archive.tar.gz /dir
- tar -xzf archive.tar.gz
tail: last n lines: tail log.txt
head: first n lines: head log.txt
- grep: searches (regex): grep '201[0-4]' log.txt
- if you don't need a regex use fgrep (fast grep)
find: lists files recursively: find /var | fgrep log
Text Editor
- You need to know how to use a text editor in order to edit config files.
- vi - very popular, powerful, installed by default
- nano - perhaps easier to use
- emacs - very powerful
Basic VI
- Open a file: vi filename
- Run a vi command: Esc :some-command
- Insert Text: Esc :i
- Save file: Esc :w
- Save file and exit: Esc :wq
- Exit a file: Esc :q
- Exit without writing: Esc :q!
- Go to line 8: Esc :8
- root - sometimes called the superuser, equivalent to Administrator on windows.
- You should use your own user account instead of root, as much as possible.
- After logging in you can become root by running: su
- You can use sudo to execute privileged commands
- Configure SSH to deny root logins
- Users can belong to multiple groups.
File System Permissions
- To view permissions of files in a directory run ls -l
-rw-r----- 1 user group 3631 Oct 7 2013 style.css
drwxrwx--- 6 user group 4096 Oct 22 2013 folder
- --- --- ---
d rwx rwx rwx
dir user group other
Linux File System
- / - the root (there are no drive letters)
- /etc - stores configuration files for most stuff
- /var - files that change during runtime /var/log
- /root - the home directory for the root user
- /home - home directories for other users
- The SSH service provides a SFTP subsystem
- No need to install any extra FTP software it runs on the same SSH port (22 by default).
- You can use scp to copy files from server to server or from a mac to your linux server.
- Most FTP clients support SFTP.
- If you really need FTP/FTPS consider vsftpd
- Lots of options, sendmail and qmail are popular.
- Also consider third party SMTP servers like SendGrid, Mandrill, etc.
- You can create shell scripts that run on a periodic basis
- Create a shell script, mark it executable and drop it in:
- /etc/cron.daily/
- /etc/cron.hourly/
- /etc/cron.weekly/
- /etc/cron.monthly/
- The /etc/crontab file for more advanced timing
ColdFusion Installation
Configuring APACHE
- Look in /etc/httpd/ or /etc/apache2/
- The main configuration file is typically called httpd.conf
- Depending on the distribution httpd.conf may have Include somefolder/*.conf
- Lines that start with # are comments
- Apache is a modular web server, you can pick and choose which modules you want, look for LoadModule directives.
- A site is typically configured in a <VirtualHost>
- Minimally specify a ServerName and DocumentRoot
- Make sure NameVirtualHost and Listen
are used to define the ip/port mappings.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
- Monitor Log files
- Most logs are under /var/log (CF's logs will be in its own dir)
- Install logwatch (yum install logwatch) or similar to email log summaries
- More advanced options like splunk
- Manage local firewall
- Use iptables command
- Dome9 - firewall management service
- Update, add yum update to a cron task.
- Duo Security: Smart Phone Applications (push msg), sms, landline integration. Free for up to 10/users
- Google Authenticator: OTP generator app
Running CF On Linux
By Pete Freitag
Running CF On Linux
- 2,823