A Tourist's Guide to the Future



Blockchains are

the future

Blockchains are


Blockchains are


(slow, expensive, low capacity, hard to use, lacking privacy...)

You are here:

You are here:

You are here:



#1: Sharding

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#1: Sharding

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

1-3 years

#1: Sharding

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

1-3 years

Somewhat better capacity

#1: Sharding

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

1-3 years

Somewhat better capacity

Moving past "somewhat better"


Payment Channels

(Lightning Network, Raiden, etc.)

#2: Payment Channels

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#2: Payment Channels

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

< 1 year

#2: Payment Channels

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

< 1 year

Micropayments; metering

#2: Payment Channels

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

< 1 year

Micropayments; metering

Expanding functionality



(Jason Teutsch and Christian Reitwiessner)

#3: TrueBit

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#3: TrueBit

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


#3: TrueBit

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


Very cheap computation

#3: TrueBit

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


Anything non-deterministic;


Very cheap computation


Distributed Storage

(IPFS, Swarm, Storj, etc.)

#4: Distributed Storage

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#4: Distributed Storage

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-3 years

#4: Distributed Storage

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-3 years

Cheap storage

#4: Distributed Storage

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-3 years

Cheap storage

Guaranteeing availability



#5: ZKSnarks

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#5: ZKSnarks

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


#5: ZKSnarks

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


Private transactions

#5: ZKSnarks

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      


Private transactions

Efficiency; trusted setup


Cross-Chain Communication

(Interledger, Cosmos, PolkaDot, etc.)

#6: Cross-Chain Communication

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

#6: Cross-Chain Communication

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-5 years

#6: Cross-Chain Communication

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-5 years

Network effects

#6: Cross-Chain Communication

  • Timeframe:      
  • Impact:              
  • Challenges:      

Now-5 years

Network effects

Settling on standards

...and a lot more

  • Proof of Stake
  • EWasm
  • Consortium Chains
    • Hyperledger
    • Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
    • BigchainDB
  • Formal Verification
  • Identity and Security
    • uPort
    • ENS

A final note

Contact me:




Slides available at:


A Tourist's Guide to the Future

By peterbb

A Tourist's Guide to the Future

A glimpse at some highlights from the next ten years of blockchain innovation

  • 1,402