What to Expect
A Bit About Me
- Among the first members of Vue core team
- Not a JavaScript or front-end developer by profession
- Living and working in Munich, Germany 🍻
- Open-sourcerer
v2.6.10 ( released March 20, 2019)
333KB full development, 30.30KB minified+gzipped
1,010,596 npm weekly downloads
146,015 GitHub stars (2nd in JavaScript, 3rd overall)
3,034 commits, 279 contributors
20 active core members in 11 countries, 6 core team emeriti, 31 community partners
The Numbers Til' Now*
* as of Aug 7, 2019
Things Will Continue to Work
- Template syntax will remain 99% the same
- Most changes are additive
- Mixins will still be there (but there's a better option!)
- Yes, even filters!
- Migration helper and guide are planned
A Better Core
- Organized into sub-packages
- Written from scratch in TypeScript
- Better type information
- Better editor/IDE support with Vetur
- TS knowledge required for core contribution
No More Caveats
Object property addition/deletion and direct array item mutation can't be observed in v2.x 🔗
Vue 3 using Proxy = no more caveats
A compat build with
will be available for unsupported browsers (IE11)
Smaller Size
- Tree-shakeable by design
// 2.x
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.nextTick(() => {})
const reactiveObject = Vue.observable({})
// 3.0
import { nextTick, observable } from 'vue'
nextTick(() => {})
const reactiveObject = observable({})
- Affected public APIs:
- Internal helpers (transition, slot…) will also be optional
- Paves way for more features in the future
Allow rendering DOM outside of a component (i.e. anywhere on a page)
Currently supported via a semi-official plugin (portal-vue) 🔗
Great for legacy or cross-framework applications
Allows returning multiple root nodes from a component
Implicit declaration syntax
Useful when dealing with a list of children (
) and/or for better semantic
<div class="wrapper">
<p>An element</p>
<slot>A slot</slot>
<FooComponent />
export default {
components: {
FooComponent: () => import('@/components/Foo')
<p>An element</p>
<slot>A slot</slot>
<FooComponent />
export default {
components: {
FooComponent: () => import('@/components/Foo')
New Template Compilation Strategy
Templates are divided into dynamic blocks ( if/else, for, slot)
Each block only needs a single flat array to track dynamic nodes
Update performance is determined by the amount of dynamic content instead of total template size
Watch Evan's keynote @Laracon 2019 for more details
Function-based API
Arguably the biggest, most controversial change ever introduced
Demo 🔗
Again, purely additive!
Code organized by feature instead of options
Encapsulation & component composition
Full TS support
Better compression / minification
Final syntax still TBC
A converter(s) might be available
Miscellaneous Proposals
Implicit attribute fall-through removal 🔗
Optional props declaration (
) -
Render function API change
Functional components now only written as plain functions
Async component creation to be explicit
More on https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs
Subject to change!
Documentation Overhaul
Vuejs.org to be moved to VuePress
Weekly meeting & catchup
Collaboration on Notion.so
Upcoming annual sprint being planned
That's a Wrap!
Vue 3 – What to Expect
By Phan An
Vue 3 – What to Expect
What to expect in the next major version of Vue
- 1,894